Zhonggong Entertainment

[One hundred model workers tell the history of the Party] Tian Ruiguo: Zhongshan Ship Incident (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2021-06-25 15:02

Narrator: Tian Ruiguo

On March 12, 1925, after Sun Yat sen died of illness in Beijing, the contradiction between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was growing.


In 1926, Chiang Kai shek ordered his men to send an order to the residence of Li Zhilong, Acting Director of the Navy Bureau of the Guangzhou National Government and a Communist Party member, to transfer the Zhongshan Ship out of Guangzhou and go to Huangpu. However, Chiang Kai shek changed the time for the Zhongshan Ship to sail back and forth, and then spread rumors and pinned the hat of conspiracy on the Communists.

On March 20, Chiang Kai shek imposed emergency martial law in Guangzhou, arrested Li Zhilong, monitored and placed a large number of Communists under house arrest, disarmed the workers' pickets of the provincial and port strike committees, surrounded the Soviet consulate, and monitored Soviet advisers.

Mao Zedong and others analyzed the situation at that time and advocated a firm fight back against Chiang Kai shek, but the representatives of the Communist International advocated concessions. Under the guidance of the compromise policy, the CPC Central Committee accepted Chiang Kai shek's unreasonable demands, and the Communists were forced to withdraw from the First Army.

Tian Ruiguo is currently the director of the technical center of Chengde Huafu Glass Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. As a technical designer, he constantly carries out technical innovation. The "Tian Ruiguo Model Worker Innovation Studio" named after him has successively won 3 national utility model patents and 8 innovative achievements. In addition, he is willing to help others. He has donated more than 20000 yuan to the Love Fund of Chengde Huafu Glass Technology Engineering Co., Ltd., and now he has a fixed monthly donation of 100 yuan. His love never stops. In 2019, Tian Ruiguo was rated as a model worker in Chengde.

The series of "Micro classroom in the air - 100 model workers telling the history of the party" was jointly launched by the Chengde Federation of Trade Unions and the comprehensive radio of Chengde People's Radio.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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