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Light up Youth with Welding Flower -- Industrial Worker Wang Zhongmei's "Beautiful Life"

2018-08-09 15:13:27

Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, April 28

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yu Xianhong

As a female worker, Wang Zhongmei also loves beauty, but since she has chosen the welding job that is tiring, bitter and "dirty", she has been working for 18 years and has also made great achievements. Wang Zhongmei composed a moving "Song of Youth" with welding flowers.

Wang Zhongmei, 37, is an electric welder of China Railway High tech Industrial Jiuqiao Company. Wang Zhongmei said frankly that welders often climb up and down and are covered with stains. When they first started work, they were reluctant to tell others that they were dry welding. When being scalded and peeled by electric arc light, or blistered by welding spatter, leaving scars, he also thought about shrinking back and changing careers.

In fact, under the tough working environment, seven female workers who came in to do electric welding with Wang Zhongmei at the same time changed careers successively, but she insisted. "When you first choose a job, it may be that it tests you in a variety of ways. When you really understand it and finally can control it, you will have a sense of achievement." Wang Zhongmei said that under the leadership of the seniors, he practiced his welding skills, slowly saw that the welds he had welded became more and more uniform and beautiful, and gradually found the joy of work.

From Wang Zhongmei's point of view, roughly speaking, everyone has the same weld seam, but a closer look shows that some people use a rougher method of strip manipulation, and some people use a more delicate method. The lines are also different. "I think the most beautiful weld is that it has no lines. I hope that everyone can see from my weld that it was welded by Wang Zhongmei."

"During the weld flaw detection, her welds were basically 'Class I defect free'. For our welders, this is the 'highest level'," said Zhao Wenfang, Wang Zhongmei's teacher.

A single flower does not make a spring. Under the exemplary leadership of Wang Zhongmei, the work efficiency and quality of his team have also improved significantly, becoming the company's famous "women's electric welding commando", and cultivating many craftsmen. The one-time flaw detection qualification rate of the welding tasks they participated in reached more than 99%, and the finished products they worked on became "inspection free products" in the eyes of the resident representatives and supervisors.

"What you can do is your own work, and what you can't do is to bite the bullet." Wang Zhongmei said that one summer, he led his team to the construction site of Tongling Yangtze River Bridge of Beijing Fuzhou High speed Railway, and welded the high-temperature steel beam box for more than ten hours continuously to complete the task with high quality. During this period, heatstroke symptoms occurred many times, and clothes were soaked with sweat as if they had just been pulled out of water. "I didn't work alone for more than ten hours, but with my team. At this time, I don't bite my teeth and stick to it. What will others do?"

Since his work, Wang Zhongmei has successively participated in the construction of world-class bridges such as the Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge on the Beijing Guangzhou high-speed railway, the Nanjing Dashengguan Yangtze River Bridge on the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway, and the Hutong Yangtze River Bridge on the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway. He led the team to achieve 17 innovative achievements in new steel welding, heavy steel beam welding, and special station welding through optimizing parameters, improving processes, and innovating processes. She also created the "Wang Zhongmei Welding Method" for the first time, and successfully solved the problem of penetration welding of steel plates with a thickness of 16mm to 28mm.

"I don't know how to express it, but when I see the towering bridges that I have been involved in building across the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, I really feel that the waves are surging." Wang Zhongmei said that the welded pieces on the bridge are just a little bit, but the bridge is just so pieced together, "it's actually quite wonderful".

Source: Xinhua
Edit: Yin Wenzhuo

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