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[Time Pioneer]

Xie Yuanli, welder of CNR Changke Co., Ltd.: "transformation and upgrading" of a skilled worker

2015-04-27 07:19:42 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

[Time Pioneer] The "transformation and upgrading" of a skilled worker

——Xie Yuanli, a welder of CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. (first part)

Xie Yuanli's site work photo. Photographed by Yang Yang

He is the leader of the largest and strongest welding manipulator group in Asia.

He pioneered the development of large-scale welding procedures by blue collar workers, which greatly expanded the life dimension and application field of the manipulator.

So far, he has led the team to develop more than 300 kinds of welding procedures, creating economic benefits of more than 10 million yuan. He used the wisdom of a skilled worker to hold up the high-speed railway in China and the steel tendons and iron bones of "Chinese creation".

His name is Xie Yuanli, a front-line welder from CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. With more than 20 years of indomitable struggle track, he outlined the magnificent image of achieving "transformation and upgrading" for technical workers in the new era based on their posts.

   Manual welding "champion" challenges "manipulator"

How far is the distance between reality and dream? When he first stepped into the welding workshop for practice, Xie Yuanli felt: the separation between heaven and earth!

"Look at the working environment, the workers are covered with black oil stains from head to foot, and they can't see their own characteristics..." Although they once regretted choosing a vocational high school, they will have to rely on craftsmanship in the future, and Xie Yuanli began to sink down to study. When the master was working, he looked around. When the master was free, he would pester him for advice. Once he came and went, he saw his way and set up a new ambition in life: "Take the road of becoming a talent with skills, and you must make a difference among the workers!"

In 1988, Xie Yuanli graduated from vocational high school and was admitted to the water tank section of Changke welding workshop. Because of his solid foundation, he soon stood out from other newcomers. The next year, in the technical contest of the whole factory, he was awarded the "No. 1 Welding Player". Inspired by the honor, after that, his enthusiasm to study technology became even stronger.

Anyone who has good skills in the workshop will go to observe and consult. After work, he scouted around for scrap, then sneaked into the machining workshop, polished it into a groove test plate with an electric grinding wheel, and practiced his skills day and night. "A pair of plates had to be polished for three or four days. The teacher Fu in the machining workshop found out that they would also be driven out of the factory - the test plate was hard won and really used as a treasure. The 20cm long weld was divided into three stages of practice." Xie Yuanli said with a smile.

In 1991, the workshop had to weld a batch of stainless steel water tanks only 1.5mm thick. Because the base metal was too thin, everyone was afraid. Xie Yuanli went against the usual practice and quickly "got" the whole batch of water tanks with his superb skills, which made everyone dumbfounded. His reputation as the "No. 1 Scholar" has become more and more popular.

In 1999, Changke began to introduce robots in large quantities. In order to prepare for the construction of the welding manipulator class, the company widely publicized "Hero Posts". Xie Yuanli, who has long been a master of "manual welding", was shocked by the welding quality and efficiency of the manipulator, and insisted on applying for the manipulator class. In the exam, he passed five hurdles and cut six generals, and became the monitor of the robot class, thus stepping into a new world of technology.

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Edit: Wang Ying


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