
Model worker

Cable "Leader" is brilliant

Worker's Daily - Wang Wei, reporter of China Industrial Network, Shen Weimin, correspondent
2020-11-26 07:14:39 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

He Guanghua, senior technician of State Grid Jiangsu Wuxi Power Supply Company, firmly believes that the life scenery of striving is more charming——
[Song of Laborers] The "Leader" of cable is brilliant

A short hair, a pair of glasses, a suit of work clothes, capable, wise and simple, this is the reporter's first impression of He Guanghua.

He Guanghua, who was born on the bank of Taihu Lake and likes Wuxi Plum Blossom, has been working for 20 years. Based on his own position, he is like a plum blossom facing frost and snow, and keeps innovating and forging ahead; In the face of the epidemic, she rushed out to ensure safe and reliable power supply.

After growing into a technical expert in the power industry of Jiangsu Province and a leading talent of the State Grid Corporation of China, she was rated as one of the "Top Ten Civilized Workers in Jiangsu Province" in April this year and a national model worker on November 24.

   Continuous burst of innovation passion

In the autumn of 2000, He Guanghua graduated from university and came to the electrical test class in the substation maintenance area of Wuxi Power Supply Company. Because she had to go out to work with people from different teams almost every day, she soon became familiar with all front-line personnel in the whole work area. She is eager to learn, and her catchphrase "Shifu, please..." leaves a deep impression on people.

At the end of 2002, Wuxi Power Supply Company established a cable engineering company, and He Guanghua was transferred to the fourth shift of cable technicians. Combining the development experience of the electrical test system in the substation maintenance work area, she re developed the filling software of the cable company, which provides a practical tool for the filling and rapid query of cable line test reports.

After 5 days and 4 nights of emergency repair of 13 10kV cable lines in Xiangjiang Road in 2003, He Guanghua came to the forefront of innovation and creation in the field of cable construction and emergency repair. At that time, some cables had multiple complex faults, while the original domestic fault detection equipment was small in capacity, and the most advanced international high resistance fault detection method was not used, which led to the failure point could not be found for two days, seriously affecting customer service efficiency. For this reason, the cable company decided to assign her to tackle the key problem of vehicle mounted cross-linked cable fault location system in the technology application project.

He Guanghua led the team to work hard day and night, and finally successfully completed the project and put it into use in August 2004. Today, the device has become the main equipment for Wuxi Power Supply Company to detect cable outage faults, and has completed the detection of nearly 1000 faults.

The success of the first important innovative application made He Guanghua's passion for innovation and creation continue to burst out in combination with the actual work. By the end of October this year, she has presided over 19 science and technology projects and participated in more than 50 key research projects, including 7 science and technology awards at the provincial and ministerial level and more than 50 national patents, creating a cumulative economic benefit of 1.12 billion yuan.

   On the national science and technology podium

On January 10 this year, the National Science and Technology Award Conference was held in Beijing. He Guanghua ascended the highest national science and technology podium and won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award by virtue of the achievement of "High Drop High Voltage Cable Line Nondestructive Construction Technology Innovation and Application".

The innovation of this achievement started in 2009. "With the rapid development of China's economy and society after entering the new century, urban power consumption is increasing, viaducts, rail transit, subway, etc. are increasing rapidly, and high-voltage cables have gradually become the 'power aorta' of the city. However, high-voltage cables are thick and hard, and traditional construction methods will bring a variety of damages to them, and it is difficult to find them through routine testing," He Guanghua explained, At that time, cable construction damage had become an important hidden danger of large-scale power failure. Especially in the construction of urban high drop and zigzag cable, the joint is the weakest link, and the failure rate is up to 50.8%.

To this end, He Guanghua led the team to carry out technical research, which took five years to basically complete in 2014, and then continued to improve. He pioneered the process method of high drop high-voltage cable jointless laying, developed 7 sets of special equipment tools, and realized the high drop jointless laying of high-voltage large section cables historically, And safe and efficient construction in the environment of multiple vibration sources.

At present, this achievement has been applied in the power industry of 28 provinces (cities) in China, and has been promoted to railway, communication, petrochemical, steel and other industries through patent licensing. At the same time, it has been applied in 10 countries such as Germany and Sweden, filling the gap in the world in the complete set of construction technology and equipment tools for the jointless laying of high drop high-voltage cables.

   Fighting against epidemic and ensuring electric display skills

January 24 this year, New Year's Eve. At 8:00 a.m., the cable inspection room of Wuxi Power Supply Company received the order of "110 kV Ze red line cable fault tripping, please rush to repair". Zehong Line is one of the main power supply lines of Wuxi Taihu New City, which is responsible for the power supply of the Citizen Center, Financial Street, Binhu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other important units.

He Guanghua immediately organized personnel to devote themselves to fault detection and repair. Considering that there are many sections along the Zehong Line, with a total length of more than 10 kilometers, He Guanghua quickly deployed personnel from the Third Route to check the sections along the line. After eliminating the possibility of external damage, he found the fault location at 12:00 that day using the fault detection vehicle.

The emergency repair personnel judged that it was the breakdown fault of the cable intermediate connector, but He Guanghua keenly caught the trace of slight discharge in the direct grounding box near the fault connector on the site. After further inspection, two direct grounding boxes were also found to be broken down in the concealed location, and all the fault points were found.

Faced with the situation of tight personnel and difficult material allocation, together with the continuous occurrence of epidemic infection cases in various places, more than 30 emergency repair personnel were worried. He Guanghua stuck to the front line of emergency repair. In addition to on-site command, he always supervised the construction site and strictly implemented epidemic prevention measures.

At noon on the fourth day of the lunar new year, the emergency repair of Zehong cable failure was successful and power transmission was successful. In the afternoon of the same day, in order to ensure the safe and reliable operation of cables supplying power to epidemic prevention hospitals and key manufacturers of epidemic prevention materials, she also convened the team members of the labor model innovation studio to discuss the scheme of installing visual monitoring equipment for these cables through video, and quickly determined the scheme of using combined assembly technology and completed the drawing design, It was first put into operation in Wuxi Fifth People's Hospital on February 13.

Later, she and her partners successively installed and put into operation cable monitoring devices for relevant hospitals and epidemic prevention materials manufacturing enterprises, and built a visual management and control system for high-voltage cable hazards, realizing real-time monitoring and active early warning of nearly 100 key areas and construction sites, ensuring safe and reliable power supply and consumption.

Edit: Lin Kaiyi


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