
The Song of Laborers

Li Erguo: "Insurance" for the People in the Old Area to Get rid of Poverty and Become Rich

Worker's Daily - Li Yulin, reporter of China Industrial Network
2019-04-25 07:21:56

[Songs of Workers Who Struggle for Patriotism]

"Insurance" for the people in the old area to get rid of poverty and become rich

Li Erguo, Manager of PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Hebei Fuping Branch

Li Erguo checked the ear production of auricularia auricula in the edible fungus greenhouse.

In the hearts of poor households in Fuping County, Hebei Province, Li Erguo is a famous name.

"Financial poverty alleviation, insurance first", this "Fuping model" of agricultural insurance poverty alleviation, is rooted in the hands of Li Erguo, manager of Hebei Fuping Branch of PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. and her team.

Planting and breeding have insurance, and there is less risk in getting rich from poverty, said the people of Fuping.

   "Fuping Model" of Poverty Alleviation through Agricultural Insurance

Fuping is an old revolutionary base area, a state-level poverty-stricken county, and a pilot project for regional development and poverty alleviation in Yanshan Taihang Mountain area.

Fuping is not easy to shake off poverty. "Nine mountains, half water and half farmland", the population of the whole county is about 220000, and the poverty population reaches more than 100000.

Planting a "cash cow", raising "laying hens", and taking the road of planting and breeding to get rid of poverty and become rich are the only choice for Fuping to fight against poverty. However, the long cycle, slow return and high risk of planting and breeding industry make rural people "flinch".

On the one hand, the local party and government try their best to lead the people in planting and breeding industry to get rid of poverty and become rich as soon as possible; on the other hand, the people are worried about the risks of planting and breeding industry and stop moving forward. How to be the vanguard of targeted poverty alleviation and make people in the old area live a good life as soon as possible? Li Erguo put forward a bold idea - to innovate in the insurance coverage, and to underwrite the losses caused by snow, fire, disease, epidemic and other disasters for farmers.

But that doesn't seem to be enough. The party and government of Fuping County, which want people to get rid of poverty and become rich as soon as possible, put forward: Can we provide people with insurance again? Cost loss insurance covers both disaster losses and the loss of planting and breeding costs caused to farmers or enterprises due to market price fluctuations.

Fuping's underwriting idea of "no loss" for the common people came out. "If you want to be an officer, you need to be innovative". As soon as the idea was put forward, it was positively responded by PICC Group, PICC Property&Casualty Insurance Corporation, Hebei Branch and Fuping Branch.

"Under this underwriting scenario, the premium will be about 20 million yuan a year, but if a major natural disaster occurs, the amount of compensation will reach more than 10 billion yuan, which does not include cost loss insurance." Many people expressed great concern.

Li Erguo had a clear idea. "We conducted a survey in advance, made statistics and analysis of the disasters in Fuping from five to ten years, and had a detailed understanding of the probability of rain, snow, wind, hail, fire and other natural disasters."

After multiple demonstrations, Fuping Branch's underwriting idea was supported by many departments of the Party and government of Fuping County, and said that it would "cooperate with each other". For cost loss insurance, PICC Group, PICC Property&Casualty Insurance Corporation and provincial, municipal and county level companies conducted research and development, and finally "landed" in Fuping.

The "Fuping model" of "financial poverty alleviation, insurance first" was born.

   "Financial poverty alleviation, insurance first"

In the valley rain season, on the north mountain slope of Gujiazhuang in Fuping, peach blossoms are red, and jujube branches are sprouting, full of vitality.

In the sunny side of the hillside, a head of beef cattle is eating grass in its mouth or walking around leisurely. Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Guiqiang looked satisfied. "This year, he plans to borrow more money and raise 500 more heads."

Liu Guiqiang, who was once a poor household, now speaks with confidence. "For a calf, I only need to pay 280 yuan of insurance premium. In case of disease, epidemic, market price fluctuation, PICC P&C will cover 10000 yuan." Liu Guiqiang said that PICC P&C did a great deed for the people.

In Fuping, many farmers and growers, because of the "insurance" guarantee, have covered the risk bottom line of production and operation, and are calm and more confident on the road to poverty alleviation.

Fuquan Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., located in Wanglinkou Township, adopts the model of company+base+farmer to develop mutton sheep breeding. In 2015, only 15 farmers participated in the insurance, and 2210 sheep were insured against meat sheep disaster and cost loss. The self paid premium was 38000 yuan, and the government subsidized premium was 50000 yuan. In the same year, due to the death of epidemic diseases and price decline, the insurance company settled a total of 110000 yuan of claims.

In 2016, enterprises and farmers saw that insurance had covered the bottom line of risk, and their enthusiasm for development was high. 152 households (94 poor households) participated, insured all 23800 sheep, paid 800000 yuan of self premium, 1 million yuan of government subsidy premium, and 2.75 million yuan of insurance claims. Agricultural insurance has recovered 2.86 million yuan of losses for enterprises and farmers for two consecutive years.

"Financial poverty alleviation, insurance first" has benefited everyone on Fuping's road to poverty alleviation.

   Start the industrial poverty alleviation chain

Since 2015, Fuping has established a targeted poverty alleviation model of "government+insurance+bank+farmers (enterprises)", which has created a comprehensive and three-dimensional security network for the poor to deal with natural disasters, accidents and market risks. In that year, PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Fuping Branch Company won the 2015 National Agricultural Insurance Innovation Award, which was the first in China.

Relevant experts have interpreted it this way: agricultural insurance leverages government guarantee, and then government guarantee leverages bank credit, thus starting the whole industrial poverty alleviation chain.

In addition to 14 policy products, Li Erguo and her team have successively developed and implemented 17 agricultural insurance products with Fuping characteristics, such as jujube, walnut, beef cattle, mutton sheep, broilers, breeding sheep, edible fungi, meat donkeys, Chinese medicinal materials, fur animals, bee industry, miscellaneous grains, fruits, and grain crop output value insurance, basically realizing full coverage of the main planting and breeding products in the county.

Nowadays, the planting and breeding industry in Fuping is developing rapidly. The edible fungus industry has grown from scratch. In less than two years, the planting scale has grown to 18000 mu. The whole industry has radiated and driven more than 15000 households, including 4200 poor households, with an average income increase of about 20000 yuan. At present, there are 580 large-scale breeding farms in the county, and the total output value of livestock and aquatic products reaches 460 million yuan, with an increase of about 3600 yuan per capita. The planting area of forest and fruit in the county has reached 299000 mu.

"With the integration of resources by companies at all levels of the Group, the Fuping team has created a 'government financial insurance' financing project to support agriculture. Now farmers or enterprises have insurance for production and loans for entrepreneurship, so it is more secure to get rid of poverty and become rich." Li Erguo told the Worker's Daily.

Statistics show that up to now, the number of poor people in Fuping has decreased from 108000 in 2014 to 26600, the incidence of poverty has decreased from 54.4% to 13.8%, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents has reached about 7500 yuan, an increase of 4238 yuan over 2012.

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
Edit: Sun Shiqi

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