
The Song of Laborers

Cui Yun: There is no room for carelessness in realizing the aerospace dream

Worker's Daily - Zhang Xi, reporter of China Industrial Network, Zhao Yang, correspondent
2019-04-23 07:11:53

[Songs of Workers Who Struggle for Patriotism]

"There is no room for carelessness in realizing the space dream"

——Cui Yun, Deputy Director of General Assembly Workshop of Tianjin Aerospace Long March Rocket Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Cui Yun checks rocket parts in the assembly workshop. Photographed by Yuan Wei

If the column is opened

Glorious labor makes brilliant life; Create greatness and raise the sails of progress.

Representatives of industrial workers in the new era who work hard and honestly, study hard and pursue excellence, water their dreams with hard sweat, dedicate their youth with industrious and intelligent hands, contribute to the prosperity and strength of the motherland with perseverance and perseverance, and jointly sing the song of inspiring workers. In order to show the new style and new deeds of the strivers in the new era, and to rally the progressive strength of the whole party and society, this newspaper will now open a column of "patriotic strivers - songs of workers" to report a number of individual and collective workers who have worked at the grass-roots level all year round and made outstanding contributions, and send holiday praises to the staff and workers. Please pay attention.

On April 22, in the tall assembly and test workshop of Tianjin Aerospace Long March Rocket Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the "big rocket" with a body length of nearly 60 meters and a core stage diameter of 5 meters, Long March 5, was undergoing intense assembly and test work.

In recent days, Cui Yun, the deputy director of the general assembly testing workshop, has been nervous. More than ten times of total inspection, tens of thousands of sensors, tens of thousands of multimedia image data, hundreds of thousands of parts... "There are no hidden dangers, no regrets, and there is no room for carelessness in realizing the aerospace dream." This is Cui Yun's belief.

   Be obsessed with "big rockets"

In 2006, the State Council officially approved the project development of Long March 5, the basic model of a new generation of carrier rocket, which excited Cui Yun, the "old rocket".

"Most rockets in the past have a diameter of 3.35 meters, while Long March 5 has a diameter of 5 meters. This is not just a simple digital change, but a brand new rocket. More than half of them are new technologies," Cui Yun said.

In 2008, Tianjin New Generation Launch Vehicle Industrialization Base was launched. The average age of the rocket assembly team is 25 years old, and no one has ever had the experience of independent final assembly of rockets.

Tao Gang, then general manager of Tianjin Aerospace Long March Rocket Manufacturing Co., Ltd., found Cui Yun. In his opinion, Cui Yun is the only one who can build a new rocket

At that time, Cui Yun, who had fainted twice due to cerebral thrombosis, decided to come to Tianjin despite his family's dissuasion, and was fascinated by the "big rocket" with the strongest carrying capacity in China.

Cui Yun, born in 1961, joined the First Academy of Astronautics and Astronautics in 1982, and has been engaged in rocket (missile) assembly for 37 years. More than 70 rockets have been involved in the final assembly.

Starting from the Beijing rocket production workshop, he studied milling, turning, welding, electrician and other skills by virtue of his diligence, and learned the diploma of RTVU by himself, gradually mastering various rocket manufacturing and launching knowledge.

In the eyes of many people, Cui Yun is a "genius" who makes rockets. And "genius" is also 1% talent and 99% effort.

"A craftsman, who can read drawings, just passed; an assembler, who can not only install, but also know why to install. No part of such a huge rocket is independent, and the truth behind it is in the designer's confidential book and computer." As a worker, Cui Yun often runs to the design room, or "soaks" in the book building, Record the countless "why" of rocket assembly bit by bit.

   Build rockets with life

July 12, 1990 is a day Cui Yun will never forget.

On that day, during the test launch of the Long March 2E rocket range at the Xichang rocket launch base, Cui Yun and his colleagues came to the rescue immediately after a sudden fuel leak.

Rocket fuel is highly toxic. At that time, the First Aerospace Academy had no rescue experience and no protective clothing. They sprinkled some lye on their bodies and wore a "pig nose" canister into the cabin.

During the rescue, Cui Yun's lungs were 75% ablated and his life was in danger. During the rescue, the ordinary dose of antidote did not work, and the doctor took the risk to inject him 10 times.

In that year, Cui Yun, 29, was the youngest member of the rescue team. A colleague fell, and he "saved" his life.

After the rescue, Cui Yun returned to the workshop as a technician. But when he recovered, he applied to be an assembly worker. He said, "I like making rockets."

Over the years, Cui Yun has "engraved" the structure of the rocket in his mind, but he can't remember the year when he suffered from cerebral thrombosis. "A few years ago. At that time, I was less than 50 years old." He said that the symptom of cerebral thrombosis was not obvious, and once it recurred, it became more and more serious.

He has experienced this unpredictable danger twice. The first time he fainted, he could walk with the stairs when he woke up. However, it recurred later, leaving a sequela, and walking in circles instead of walking in a straight line.

In order to be competent for the post, Cui Yun started the "masochistic" exercise: as long as he did not work overtime, he walked fast for 4 hours every day; I don't rest on Saturdays and Sundays. I walk on the second ring road of Beijing for 7 hours; Later, I walked along the Third Ring Road for 10 hours

No madness, no survival. Today, Cui Yun has to walk back and forth several times every day in the 20000 square meter assembly workshop, with vigorous and forceful steps.

   One gun for ten thousand people

In the final assembly workshop of Tianjin base, Cui Yun was wearing a white coat, and his pockets were tinkling. His disciples could hear him from afar, and the master was coming.

He has "six treasures" in his pocket: reading glasses, flashlights, tape measures, magnifying glasses, binoculars and laser pens, which are used to strictly check and guide the work of the disciples.

In the eyes of the disciples, he is a stern elder who always reminds team members to keep improving and work together. "A dry rocket is a gun for thousands of people. Everyone revolves around an arrow. It takes hundreds of seconds at most to launch a rocket, but the design, research and development, and manufacturing time of the previous few years to more than ten years cannot be less."

Every week, Cui Yun will give his disciples questions and exams. From the most basic point of "sawing thin plates", his master studio is a classroom.

"To know why it is, we should also know why it is. An assembler should not only use his hands, but also use his brain." In order to let more apprentices "know why it is," Cui Yun specially asked workshop assemblers to go to the rocket design department to stay and learn from the principles of rocket design.

In 2016, "Long March 7" and "Long March 5" will be transported to Hainan base for launch after final assembly in Tianjin, and Cui Yun, who is over 50 years old, will lead his apprentice to "accompany" the whole journey.

"The environment in Hainan is complex, and there are many problems to be solved." Zhang Linqing, the general assembly team, told reporters that under the leadership of Cui Yun, the team has solved a series of technical problems such as rust prevention and waterproof of the arrow body under humid climate.

Cui Yun has a bad temper. Some people call him "stubborn old Cui". In order to pass on his rigorous work attitude to the next generation of Rocket men, he is very strict with his disciples, "When I get old, I lean on crutches and knock their heads..."

Cui Yun told reporters that building rockets requires hundreds of thousands of parts and countless technological processes, which cannot be separated from manual operation. The torque of each wrench and screw is required.

At present, there are 156 people in Tianjin "Big Rocket" final assembly and testing workshop, with an average age of 28. "What I can do is limited after all. What I am most gratified and proud of is that through these years' efforts, I have brought out a young team that can independently assemble a new generation of carrier rockets." Cui Yun said, "The future of China's rocket industry depends on them."

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
Edit: Sun Shiqi

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