If you don't see it, you will be shocked. 99% of women have it

2016-01-08 16:19:43   Source: Global franchise network   3582 people participated
  • Business scope: Postpartum recovery&age reduction center
  • Number of stores: 1300
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Ten women and nine people are cold. Let's see what the phenomenon of Gong cold is:

1. Dysmenorrhea: when menstruation comes, there are blood clots, dark menstruation and other symptoms, which are more obvious symptoms of uterine cold.

2. Cold hands and feet: Another manifestation of Gong Han is cold hands and feet, or feeling cold body.

3. Plenty of leucorrhea: This kind of condition is more likely to occur in the case of catching cold, but people with cold constitution in the palace often have a lot of leucorrhea.

4. Infertility: Another symptom of Gong Han is that it is not easy to conceive. Because the temperature of the uterus is low, it is difficult for sperm and eggs to combine, so it becomes sterile.

5. Cold pain in the lower abdomen: sometimes the menstrual period is wrong, the color is light but the amount is less, the spirit is poor, the waist is sore and the legs are soft, the urine is more, the amount of menstruation is less, the libido is decreased, the tongue is pale and the fur is white, and the pulse is heavy. Unlimited lochia, postpartum abdominal pain, etc

6. Obesity: The other manifestation of those with cold in the uterus is obesity in the waist and abdomen, accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue, insomnia and dreaminess, oligomenorrhea, anovulation and other symptoms. The uterus is short of heat. In order to maintain its own physiological function, fat acts as a "palace protector". The colder the uterus, the more the body needs to store fat, thus causing obesity.

Hazards of palace cold:

1. Gong Han is the root of cold hands and feet

2. Gong Han is the culprit of infertility

3. Gong Han's Woman's Waist and Knee are Sour and Weak, Her Color Is Different

4. Cold in the uterus causes women to urinate frequently at night and love enuresis

5. Gong Han makes women have cold sexual desire and disharmony

6. Gong Han is characterized by menstrual disorder and dysmenorrhea in women

7. A woman with Gong Han is prone to miscarriage

8. Gong Han is the root cause of repeated attacks of chloasma and dark circles

9. Gong Han Makes Women Fat and Out of Shape

Hot Sun Lando Postpartum resumption: http://www.jiameng.com/hyld/

 Sanzhu Kangmei
  • eight hundred and thirty-seven people Pay attention to postpartum recovery
  • five thousand five hundred and eighty-nine people Consultation on postpartum recovery

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