Is the charge of Xianyue Pavilion high? Can ordinary families consume

2021-10-21 11:30:10   Source: China Franchise Network   687 people participated
  • Business scope: postpartum
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Female friends have always been concerned about their own health problems, especially many postpartum female friends often choose to go to professional postpartum recovery centers in order to quickly recover to the state before childbirth. Xian Yuege has a high reputation in the post natal recovery industry, and provides many services, which can help postpartum mothers quickly build self-confidence, and won the favor of women friends. Is the charge of Xianyue Pavilion high, and can ordinary families consume?

Is the charge of Xianyue Pavilion high?

The charges for different projects of Xianyuegao will also be different. The actual charges will be determined in combination with the selected post natal recovery projects, with prices ranging from several hundred yuan to several thousand yuan. There are many services provided by Xianyuegao for female friends, including postpartum services, such as recuperation during pregnancy preparation, mid pregnancy maintenance, postpartum recuperation and perimenopausal recuperation; Maternal and infant services cover infant water education, infant massage and Taiwan pregnancy and early education; The household service items cover the monthly sister-in-law housekeeping service, on-site lactation service and on-site prenatal education service. You can choose the appropriate service type according to your actual needs.

Can ordinary families of Xianyuegao consume?

General families of Xianyuegao can afford to spend. After 12 years of development since its establishment in Beijing in 2009, Xianyuegao has established more than 200 cooperative stores nationwide. In order to solve the worries of entrepreneurs, the headquarters will provide technical training for personnel at different levels of the cooperative stores, such as store management Training related to personnel management; Provide guidance for service personnel on training of children's massage, lactation and postpartum recuperation. Xianyuegao will also provide consumers with diversified services, such as pregnancy and infant photography, newborn baby pens, infant milk powder, etc., to meet the needs of different customers.

Is the charge of Xianyue Pavilion high, and can ordinary families consume? The content introduced in this article is a brief introduction to this problem. I hope it can provide some help for you. The cooperation process of joining Xianyuegao is relatively simple. Entrepreneurs can consult the relevant websites in detail about the materials and enterprise policies that need to be prepared for cooperation, and then submit the cooperation application.

 Sanzhu Kangmei
  • six hundred and forty-one people Pay attention to postpartum recovery
  • six thousand four hundred and four people Consultation on postpartum recovery

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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