Menstruation is endless, and my aunt never leaves. Be careful of these situations

2019-01-11 15:28:36   Source: Global franchise network   1669 people participated
  • Business scope: Yuezi Club, postpartum recovery
  • Number of stores: 600
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Menstruation is endless, and my aunt never leaves. Be careful of these situations ~ The teacher of Shi'an International Moon Club said that many women love and hate their aunts. For adult women, having menstruation every month indicates that their bodies are not aging, but what is the situation of unclean menstruation ?

What are the reasons for unclean menstruation ?

There are many reasons for the pathogenesis of prolonged menstruation, such as endocrine disorders, uterine diseases, gynecological inflammation, mood fluctuations, drug effects, environmental changes, overwork and excessive mental stress.

There are many reasons for endless menstruation. Female friends should be cautious in dealing with endless menstruation. They should start after distinguishing between the actual and the false. Or go to the hospital in time to check, identify the cause of illness, and then adjust and treat the symptoms.

Warm tip: If you have irregular menstruation, you must find out the cause and treat it according to the symptoms. You can't stop seeing the doctor because you think it's OK. If you have some discomfort, please go to a professional and scientific hospital as soon as possible. If you have irregular menstruation, you should find and treat it early to avoid missing a better opportunity.

Women whose menstruation is difficult to clean should be alert, and women should attach great importance to the timely inspection in the gynecological hospital, and actively treat after finding out the cause. The following conditions may be the causes of irregular menstruation:

one Uterine diseases: such as hysteromyoma, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometritis, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, chronic uterine hypertrophy, etc ;

two Pelvic inflammation: Pelvic inflammation often affects the ovaries, affecting the normal function of the ovaries, leading to irregular menstruation in women ;

three Placement of birth control device: it is a common contraceptive method. Some women have irregular menstruation after placement ;

four Systemic diseases: blood diseases such as thrombocytopenic purpura, obstructive improvement of iron deficiency anemia, etc ;

The amount of menstruation is not only to control their own conditions, but also sometimes to help early detection and treatment of gynecological diseases. There are many gynecological diseases that can cause excessive menstruation. In other words, vaginal bleeding caused by some diseases is easily confused with excessive menstruation. These gynecological diseases often cause great harm to the human body, bringing considerable health risks and reproductive risks.

What to do if your menstruation is not clean all the time

What to do if your menstruation is not clean all the time ? If your menstruation has been unclean, you should treat it symptomatically. For example, the primary purpose of those with dysfunctional uterine bleeding is to stop bleeding, and the second is to adjust the menstrual cycle to avoid bleeding again ; Patients with hysteromyoma may decide on drug treatment or surgical treatment according to the size of the tumor ; Those with luteal insufficiency can adjust menstruation with hormone in a short time ; If your menstruation is always unclean due to the influence of the birth control ring, you can try to choose other contraceptive methods.

Menstruation is endless, and my aunt never leaves. Be careful of these situations ~ In addition, women with unclean menstruation should pay attention to the following aspects in their daily life:

one . Keep a regular pace of life, be relaxed and relaxed, and avoid overwork.

two Pay attention to emotional regulation to avoid excessive tension or large emotional fluctuations.

three . Unclean menstruation is often accompanied by the improvement of iron deficiency anemia to varying degrees. Therefore, nutrition should be strengthened in diet, and more iron containing foods such as animal viscera should be eaten to increase/increase the demand for iron. At the same time, attention should be paid to increasing/increasing the balanced intake of protein, cellulose, minerals and other nutrients.

four Develop qualified hygiene habits, especially in the menstrual period, combine work and exercise, pay attention to the cleanliness of the vulva, and wash and change the underwear frequently.

The suggestions put forward by the staff of Shi'an International Moon Club are very detailed and comprehensive. If your expectant mothers still have unclear or unclear details, you can call the hotline for consultation. Every staff member of Shi'an International will be eager to answer your questions

 Sanzhu Kangmei
  • eight hundred and thirty-seven people Pay attention to postpartum recovery
  • fourteen thousand eight hundred and six people Consultation on postpartum recovery

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