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Portable fire hose every year

Updated: 2024-09-27 03:55:38 No.: bdckg2f0c511f
  • ninety element

  • Portable water dragon box, portable fire hose box, portable fire hose box, fire hose box

  • 9 years

Cai Tianfa

eighteen billion nine hundred million three hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and nineteen three hundred and twenty-eight million nine hundred and twenty-one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight

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Portable fire hose every year

For the plant, storage yard and storage tank farm, when the floor area is less than or equal to 100h ㎡ and the number of people in the attached residential area is less than or equal to 15000, the number of fires in the same time shall be determined as one; When the floor area is less than or equal to 100h ㎡ and the number of people in the attached residential area is more than 15000, the number of fires in the same time shall be determined as two, one in the residential area and one in the factory, storage yard or storage tank area.

2. For the factory, storage yard and storage tank farm, when the floor area is more than 100h ㎡, the number of fires in the same time shall be determined as two, and the number of fires in the factory, storage yard and storage tank farm shall be calculated as one for each of the two buildings (or storage yard and storage tank) with large water demand.

3. The number of fires in the warehouse and civil buildings at the same time shall be determined as one.

Two fault functions of graphic display device in fire control room:

(1) Fault status display: the graphic display device in the fire control room shall be able to receive the fault signal sent by the controller and other fire-fighting equipment (facilities), and display the fault status information.

(2) Communication fault alarm function: when the graphic display device in the fire control room cannot communicate with the controller and other fire fighting equipment (facilities) normally, it shall send out fault acoustic and optical signals that are obviously different from the fire alarm signal.

9. Alarm valve: 3m/70dB.

10. Alarm valve: one-way valve.

For residential buildings and public buildings with a building height of more than 100 meters, in order to solve the problem of too long vertical evacuation distance, refuge floors (or shelters) should be set up.

According to the physical consumption of ordinary people climbing stairs, combined with the layout and use management requirements of various electromechanical equipment and pipelines, as well as the operating requirements of the internal main battle elevating fire truck - 50m high cloud elevator truck, it is specified that the height between the two refuge floors is not more than 50m, and the height from the first floor to each refuge floor is not more than 50m. Refer to 5.5.23 of the Building Regulations and the figure for relevant requirements.

For the convenience of understanding, this kind of refuge floor (or refuge bay) is called "refuge floor (refuge bay) for vertical evacuation" in this paper.

2. In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to evacuate people in time in a fire, the shelter in the medical (pension) building should be set up.

In the high-rise ward building and operating room, in order to meet the evacuation needs of people who are difficult to evacuate in time in a fire, the high-rise ward building should set up a refuge room on the second floor and above of the ward floor and the clean operating department. Refer to 5.5.24 of the Building Regulations and the figure for relevant requirements.

In the elderly care facilities, in order to meet the needs of the elderly who are difficult to evacuate in time in case of fire, it is necessary to set up a refuge room. Refer to 5.5.24A of the Building Regulations and the figure for relevant requirements.

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Cai Tianfa: eighteen billion nine hundred million three hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and nineteen Let the seller contact me