service sector

1、 Enterprise services

Online recruitment

Provide online recruitment services such as position publishing, position management, resume filtering, resume search, resume customization, etc

Relying on the 597 direct recruitment of 20 million resumes, we will establish a professional service system to provide recruitment services for enterprises.

Relying on 597's direct employment of more than 10 million page views, and with the help of a variety of LOGO advertising spaces, we can display our corporate image in an all-round way and help enterprises attract target groups in a wider range.

Provide a variety of online recruitment products, such as position matching email recommendation, online recruitment advertising and other auxiliary recruitment products, to help enterprises improve the recruitment effect.

On site job fair

Through strong cooperation with peer recruitment agencies, we jointly held the "industry talent on-site recruitment fair" to meet the needs of enterprises for large, urgent, difficult to recruit, similar posts and professional posts.

Campus job fair

597 has established long-term cooperative relations with more than 200 colleges and universities nationwide. Through tailor-made campus recruitment programs for enterprises, organize campus recruitment series activities to help enterprises better absorb excellence

The whole line of campus recruitment products and services include:

Help recruitment enterprises to develop perfect campus recruitment solutions;

Use 597 direct campus recruitment online advertising column to release recruitment information;

Use rich campus resources to carry out campus publicity;

Provide professional online resume management and resume data analysis report;

Strict and professional implementation of campus recruitment activities and project management;

Provide written examination, interview and talent evaluation services for candidates;

Provide complete activity report and video and image records.

Appointed special recruitment

The 597 direct recruitment specialty searches for high-quality resumes, and customizes the "appointment type special recruitment" according to the recruitment needs of enterprises: gather all outstanding talents at the same time and place, and pass various scientific investigation methods and professional evaluations such as business assessment and ability assessment, aiming to help enterprises select the most suitable senior talents for recruitment services.

headhunting service

597 Direct Headhunting Department has a strong team of senior consultants, many years of professional service experience, outstanding career experience, extensive contacts, professional communication skills, and provides enterprise users in various industries with recruitment services such as the search, selection, and introduction of talent teams for medium and senior management talents, technical talents, and professionals in special positions;

It has a large talent pool in various industries and a talent pool of more than one million elites, which is superior to the talent channels of ordinary headhunters;

It can provide the highest quality headhunting services for enterprises covering manufacturing, machinery, electronics, medicine, automobiles, fast moving consumer goods and other fields, find senior talents for enterprises in need, and optimize the allocation of human resources.

Adhering to the service principle of "accuracy, quality, speed and efficiency", we have successfully assisted all kinds of enterprises to efficiently and accurately target talents and recruit the most matched professionals at the most economical cost in the shortest time

Training services

The 597 Direct Employment Training Department has many years of professional service experience, and carries out a number of services, including public courses, enterprise certification, enterprise internal training and talent evaluation. The courses involve strategy, marketing, management, team, human resources, professional quality and other aspects.

597 Direct Employment has so far provided a very targeted training program and curriculum system for a large number of multinational companies, private enterprises, state-owned enterprises and their employees.

The 597 direct recruitment training service is characterized by pertinence and effectiveness, and relies on professional talent assessment services to improve the important links of core competitiveness improvement such as talent recruitment, job competition, team diagnosis, etc.

personnel assessment

A talent evaluation system with the basic framework of on-the-job evaluation, on-the-job evaluation, competitive evaluation and personal evaluation is launched to help enterprises find and match talents.

The 597 direct employment talent evaluation business relies on top talent evaluation experts and professional institutions at home and abroad to form a scientific, systematic and perfect evaluation product and service system.

The talent evaluation system with the basic framework of post evaluation, on-the-job evaluation, competitive evaluation and personal evaluation, improves the matching degree and harmony between talents and positions, and enterprises.

Provide professional measurement and evaluation of basic quality, psychological condition, development potential and performance status, help enterprises explore information that is difficult to obtain by other evaluation methods, and provide valuable reference information for human resource management and development work such as enterprise employment, selection, education, etc.

HR High end Summit and Knowledge Forum

We have reached strategic cooperation with many training institutions and human resources consulting companies across the country, and regularly held high-end human resources summits, which are professional knowledge forums elaborately planned by HR.

Invite human resources experts and legal experts in professional fields of the industry to teach HR the cutting-edge trends and management experience of human resources.

Product service

Position matching email recommendation

597 Direct Hiring introduces the cutting-edge email sending system in Europe, matches the latest resume according to the recruitment needs of enterprises and sends it to the corporate mailbox, helps enterprises to quickly recruit and strongly improves the recruitment effect of enterprises.

Online recruitment advertisement

In order to enhance the effect of enterprise recruitment, 597 Direct Hire launched online recruitment advertising service. More than 10 million page views help enterprises attract target groups in a wider range, and improve the popularity and influence of enterprises in the industry.

Job search through newspaper recruitment

597 Direct Employment launched a large number of featured recruitment newspapers that published the latest enterprise recruitment information of the month for social groups and new graduates, which were free to read in more than 100 business office buildings and white-collar consumption places, and distributed free of charge in local talent markets, colleges and universities, migrant population centers and other hot areas, effectively improving the effectiveness of enterprise recruitment.

2、 Personal services

Online job search

China's famous talent website, which gathers a large number of users from well-known enterprises to conduct recruitment activities on 597 direct recruitment

It provides free registration and job search, provides a variety of job search products and services, helps job seekers to obtain the latest job fair information, popular job search and other employment information, and helps job seekers seize employment opportunities.

Job search through newspaper recruitment

597 Direct Employment launched a large number of featured recruitment newspapers with the latest recruitment information of the current month for social groups and fresh graduates. Job seekers can search for positions more conveniently according to the recruitment information in the newspaper, quickly shorten the search time for online job search, and greatly improve the job search efficiency.

SMS VIP service

Individual job seekers can access the latest job fair information, popular job search, video resume upload, enterprise interview notice and other VIP services through the 597 Direct Employment SMS Center, master the cutting-edge information in the workplace, and gain more opportunities to change their destiny. Your job is up to you!

Mobile version
WeChat official account
Job seeker app download