
1、 Introduction to College Student Village Officials

1. What are college student village officials and what are their meanings?

College student village officials refer to the new or former graduates with college degree or above who are selected to serve as the assistant secretary of the village party branch, assistant village director or other "two committees". At the same time, it is stipulated that college students, "village officials" and other service grassroots project personnel can apply for civil servants, not only for the positions of targeted examination, but also for other positions, and no preferential policies such as bonus points will be implemented. Click to view details

2. The difference between college student village officials and "three supports and one support"

The main differences between village officials and three branches and one support are as follows: 1、 The main purpose of carrying out the work is to train and train the backbone of new rural construction and the reserve talents of party and government cadres; The "three supports and one support" plan mainly promotes the development of rural grassroots social undertakings through supporting agriculture, education, medicine and poverty alleviation; The special post plan for rural teachers is to strengthen the construction of teachers in rural schools at the stage of compulsory education in the western "two basic" counties; The plan of volunteering for the west is to carry forward the spirit of volunteerism, encourage outstanding young people to participate in the western development strategy, and make contributions to the rural economic and social development in the western region. Click to view details

3. Must village officials be party members or probationary party members?

Examining village officials does not necessarily require Party members or probationary Party members. At present, college student village officials generally include two kinds of positions, one is the assistant to the director (head) of the village committee, the other is the assistant to the secretary of the village party branch, and usually the assistant to the director of the village committee is recruited【 Click to view details

4. How to test village officials? How to take the college student village official exam?

How to test the village officials? How to take the college student village official exam? How much do you know about the specific process? A small editor will introduce you? 1、 Sign up. Every year, after the civil service examination in the province is over, various places will show the recruitment notice of college student village officials in the form of network. As long as you meet the registration requirements of college student village officials and have the idea of serving the grassroots, you can apply. Click to view details

5. Can junior college students take the village official exam?

The conditions for college student village officials to apply vary from place to place. Whether junior college students can apply for college student village officials varies from place to place. In some areas, even if you can apply for the exam, you are required to be a fresh student. (The specific situation shall be subject to the information officially released by each province)【 Click to view details

6. Is it better for junior students to take the postgraduate exam or for college students, village officials and civil servants?

This article is about whether it is better for junior students to take the postgraduate exam or college students to take the village official exam? For the reference of the majority of candidates. Seeing this problem, I thought of how similar I was before, so I was busy trying to say something. In fact, what you lack is not an expert. No matter how high an expert is, he will not tell you which of these two choices is the most perfect. Click to view details

7. Precautions for College Student Village Official Examination

Precautions for college student village official examination: 1. The materials provided during the qualification review of candidates must be complete, authentic and effective, and consistent with those filled in online registration. Those with incomplete materials or fraud will be disqualified for interview. Click to view details

8. Profile of College Student Village Officials and the Causes

College student village officials are the names of college students who hold posts in rural areas. College student village officials refer to new or former college graduates with college degree or above who go to rural areas (including communities) to serve as the secretary of the village party branch, assistant to the director of the village committee or other "two committees" of the village. Most of the work is community (village) affairs. Click to view details

2、 Policy and future of college student village officials

9. Background and significance of college student village official selection

In April 2008, the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Education and other departments jointly issued the document "Opinions on Selecting College Graduates to Work in Villages (for Trial Implementation)", which decided to carry out the work of selecting college graduates to work in villages nationwide (referred to as "college student village officials")【 Click to view details

10. What are the main systems of college student village officials?

In order to implement the requirements of the central government on strict management of cadres, further strengthen the daily management of college student village officials, and guide college student village officials to truly take root in the grassroots, integrate into the countryside, act as entrepreneurs, and exercise their growth, the following "four systems" are formulated according to relevant provincial regulations. Click to view details

11. Is the policy of graduate entrance examination bonus for college student village officials necessary for their tenure?

Is it necessary for college student village officials to stay in their term of office? For those who have served for three years and passed the examination, 10 points will be added to the total score of the preliminary examination, or 5 points will be added to the total score of a single subject, and priority will be given to admission under the same conditions. Click to view details

12. What are the reasons for the policy of college student village officials?

First, the macro reason is that the rural governance in China mainly depends on patriarchal system, patriarchal clan system and human relations, which is in sharp contrast to the democratic and legal requirements of modern society. II. Realistic reasons: the differentiation of social interest pattern and the uneven comprehensive quality of village level leaders have led to the grass-roots college student village officials【 Click to view details

13. Is there a staff of college student village officials? What kind of organization does the college student village official belong to?

In fact, college student village officials are not prepared, but there will be relevant records, which will be a recruitment exam specifically for college student village officials in the future civil service and public institutions and other public service examinations. It is impossible for village officials to have civil servants after two years. Click to view details

14. How about college village officials and college village officials? Is there any future in being a college student village official

How about college student village officials? How about village officials? Is there any future in being a college student village official? "Go to the grassroots, go to the countryside", more or less, we have seen such slogans, at least heard such slogans, then what is the college student village official doing and what is the future? Let's listen to how a person who has been a village official at the grassroots for three years describes the life of a college student village official. Click to view details

15. Why should outstanding college graduates be selected as village cadres?

The plan of college student village officials (i.e. village cadres) has been highly valued and strongly supported by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. As a new thing, the plan of college student village officials has strong vitality and development prospects. For the country, this is not a simple decision-making plan, nor an expedient measure, but a guiding policy issued by the country, which is based on college graduates【 Click to view details

16. Realistic problems faced by female college student village officials and suggestions

The emergence of female college student village officials at the grass-roots level has promoted the unity of the grass-roots group, stimulated the vitality of the grass-roots group, affected and improved the way of life and quality of the masses, formed a lively and effective practical experience, and made the political economy of the village develop rapidly. Click to view details

17. What are the advantages of female college students as village officials?

The emergence of female college student village officials at the grass-roots level has promoted the unity of the grass-roots group, stimulated the vitality of the grass-roots group, affected and improved the way of life and quality of the masses, formed a lively and effective practical experience, and made the political economy of the village develop rapidly. Click to view details

18. What are the main responsibilities of the villagers' committee?

1. Be a good assistant to the director of the village committee, assist the village committee to do a good job in village government construction, formulate and improve village rules and regulations, and promote the construction of new countryside. 2. Serve as the chief staff officer of the village committee, assist the village committee to formulate the economic development plan of the village, clarify the direction of economic development, and strive to ensure the implementation of the plan. Click to view details

19. Seven policies available to college student village officials during their service

Do you understand the policy of college student village officials? It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. The following is the analysis of the policy of college student village officials collected for your reference! Policies that can be enjoyed during the service period 1. Living allowance: the standard of living allowance for college student volunteers is 1800 yuan/month for technical secondary school students, 2000 yuan/month for junior college students, and 2300 yuan/month for undergraduate students【 Click to view details

20. Can college student village officials be renewed after the contract expires?

Can I renew my employment after the contract expires? After the expiration of the contract, if the employee passes the assessment, he or she can be reappointed according to the wishes of both parties. The reappointment period is generally three years.

21. What preferential policies does Beijing have for the mobility and development of college students and village officials after the contract expires?

What preferential policies does Beijing have for the mobility of college students and village officials upon expiration of the contract? Beijing attaches great importance to the mobility and development of college student village officials upon the expiration of the contract, and has successively issued the following policies: (1) Every year, government agencies and institutions at all levels should allocate a certain proportion of posts to recruit college student village officials upon the expiration of the contract, including targeted recruitment of township civil servants【 Click to view details

22. What are the preferential policies for college student village officials to start their own businesses after their contracts expire?

What are the preferential policies for college student village officials to start their own businesses after their contracts expire? Those engaged in self-employed and self founded enterprises can be exempted from paying various administrative and institutional fees, reducing or remitting relevant taxes, enjoying small guaranteed loans, and being exempted from providing counter guarantees and free entrepreneurship training in accordance with relevant regulations.

23. How to deal with the breach of contract of college student village officials before the contract expires?

How to deal with the breach of contract of college student village officials before the contract expires? When college graduates work at the grass-roots level in rural areas, they should first love the work at the grass-roots level in rural areas, have the spirit of hard work, selfless dedication, observe discipline and laws, and have a strong sense of organizational discipline. You must think carefully before signing a labor contract. Once you sign a labor contract, you agree with the contract【 Click to view details

24. What will be done if college student village officials fail to pass the assessment?

Graduates from Beijing who fail in the assessment and voluntarily terminate the agreement or contract shall enter the human resources market to choose their own jobs according to relevant regulations; For graduates who are not from Beijing, the original graduation school will handle the relevant formalities for them to return to their places of origin or to other regions outside Beijing for employment.

25. How do college student village officials transfer from grassroots to civil servants? Two methods

The organization departments at all levels screen new or former graduates with college degree or above, and work as the secretary of the village party organization, assistant to the director of the village committee or other "two committees", which are called "college student village officials". The fundamental purpose of college student village officials' work is to cultivate familiarity with rural conditions【 Click to view details

26. Is it possible for college student village officials to be dismissed?

College student village officials who are incompetent in the assessment, have two basically competent records or seriously violate the work discipline will be dismissed, and will enter the human resources market to find their own jobs. They will not enjoy the preferential policies of the state and the city for college student village officials. Click to view details

27. On the job education management system for college student village officials

1、 The management of college student village officials is led by the county (city, district) party committee organization department, directly managed by the township party committee, and assisted by the village party organization. The township party committee should make it clear that the deputy secretary or organizing committee member is responsible for the daily management of college student village officials, and arrange the accommodation and daily life of college student village officials. Click to view details

28. Detailed explanation of policies after the expiration of college student village officials

After the expiration of college student village officials, the policy is explained in detail. After the expiration of college student village officials, the orderly flow of "five ways" is mainly through staying in the village to work, taking an examination of civil servants, independent entrepreneurship and development, choosing another job, and continuing to study. Click to view details

29. Five relationships should be handled well in the work of college student village officials

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee pointed out a new direction for rural reform. As a modern talent resource with ideas, insight, vitality and skills, college student village officials are becoming an important force to promote rural reform. However, there is still much work to be done to make good use of this force. At present, the author believes that it is particularly important to handle the following five relationships. Click to view details

30. The current eight incentive and security policies for college student village officials in China

(1) The CPC Central Committee attaches great importance to the selection of college graduates to work in villages The selection and employment of college graduates to work in villages is helpful for strengthening the construction of rural grass-roots organizations and cultivating knowledgeable and educated leaders in new rural construction; To cultivate reserve talents of Party and government cadres who have firm ideals, beliefs and dedication, and have deep feelings for the people, and to form a training chain of Party and government cadres from the grassroots and production lines; For guiding college graduates to change their employment concept, face the grass-roots employment and entrepreneurship, and display their talents in places where economic and social development is most needed【 Click to view details

3、 Salary of college student village officials

31. Salary List of College Student Village Officials

College student village official is a mysterious career. He is different from civil servants, but he serves the country in villages all over the country. The announcement of the national college student village official exam has been announced successively, and some provinces and regions have announced it. Every year, at this time, many new graduates and former unemployed students pay close attention to the college student village official exam. What is the salary of college student village officials? Where is the future? The following is the salary list of college student village officials brought by Xiaobian! Click to view details

32. Salary and Policy of Gansu University Student Village Official Examination

According to the relevant policies of the Central Organization Department and our province, the newly recruited college student village officials enjoy the following benefits and security policies: 1. The central finance and provincial finance are mainly responsible for the work and living allowance funds of college student village officials and the relevant fees payable for social security benefits, and the county finance is responsible for the insufficient part. Click to view details

33. Fujian University Student Village Official Salary Policy

The college student village official will be given a one-time resettlement fee of 3000 yuan per person after serving in the village. The standard of living allowance during the employment period will be determined by reference to the salary income level after the probation period of the new civil servants in local towns and villages. The basic pension, basic medical care, unemployment, maternity and personal accident insurance will be handled in a unified way. The funds required, except for the part that should be paid by individuals, will be paid by the central, provincial, municipal Financial commitment at the county level. Click to view details

34. Policy guarantee measures for the treatment of college student village officials in Jiangsu

1. Use special full amount appropriation for business establishment. Enjoy the salary treatment of the local fully allocated public institutions. The newly recruited college student village officials will be directly transferred to the regular position and graded. The salary will be higher by one grade. They will participate in various local social insurances according to the relevant regulations of public institutions. 2. Implement the "Comprehensive Insurance Plan for College Student Village Officials in Jiangsu Province" to provide personal accident and major disease insurance with a total insurance amount of 1 million yuan for each of the college student village officials. Click to view details

35. Treatment and security policy for college student village officials in Liaoning

The selected college student village officials enjoy the following policies and benefits: 1. The standard of work and living allowance shall be determined according to the salary income level after the probation period of newly recruited civil servants from college graduates in the township where they work. The subsidy is mainly used for the work and living allowance of college student village officials and the relevant fees payable for enjoying security benefits. The subsidy funds are shared by the central and local finance. The central government subsidizes 8000 yuan per person per year, and the provincial government subsidizes 10000 yuan per person per year (excluding Dalian【 Click to view details

36. Treatment and Policy of Hebei University Student Village Officials

1. The subsidy standard for newly employed college student village officials shall be determined by reference to the salary income level of newly employed civil servants in local villages and towns after the probation period expires, and shall be increased simultaneously. Click to view details

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