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How about employment after studying in Britain?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 11:41:09, May 15, 2024

With the deepening of globalization, more and more Chinese students choose to go to the UK for further study and obtain bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. So, Studying in the UK How about employment after returning home? In recent years, despite the changing global economic situation, the situation of British students returning home for employment still shows some stable characteristics and trends. This article gives you an introduction!

 Employment after studying in the UK. jpg

From the perspective of major selection, business fields such as finance, accounting, business administration, management and international business are still the main choices for master students. After returning home, students of these majors can often find a place to play in state-owned enterprises and institutions, private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, especially in the financial and consulting industries. They are often favored by employers with their professional knowledge and international vision. In addition, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises have become the main employment channels for returned postgraduates, followed by foreign-funded enterprises and national institutions.

The employment path of doctoral graduates is different. They prefer to work in higher education institutions and national institutions, and use their profound academic background and research ability to contribute to education and scientific research. Especially in science and technology, education policy and research institutions, the employment demand of doctoral students continues to exist.

The data in 2024 shows that although the overall number of jobs has decreased, the salary level of British international students is rising. According to the report of High Flier Research, the median starting salary of British graduates has reached 34000 pounds, which indicates that highly competitive industries such as investment banking, legal and consulting industries still have strong demand for highly skilled talents and are willing to pay higher salaries.

In terms of industry distribution, British students returned home not only concentrated in the financial field, but also extensively set foot in IT, communication, electronics and Internet industries, as well as business, consulting services and sports, entertainment and media industries. The development vitality and innovation spirit of these industries provide diversified employment opportunities for international students, especially in high-tech fields, where the advantages of international students are more obvious.

Ways to study in the UK:

   1. Direct application

To apply for a foreign undergraduate course directly, students are required to have strong language skills, an IELTS score of 6 or above, or the same TOEFL score. Some schools require students to provide college entrance examination results, which are generally required to reach more than one level.

At the same time, students have a strong learning ability to live independently and a good family economic foundation.

2. Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad

   Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad It refers to the study abroad program jointly carried out by domestic and foreign universities. It is mainly aimed at students whose scores fail to meet the requirements of direct application for study abroad. Students can study abroad after 1-3 years of domestic study and passing the exam.

There are 2+2, 3+2, preparatory studies and other modes for Chinese foreign cooperative education, which are suitable for students with different backgrounds.

  1、 Preparatory Study

Pre study abroad requires students to study in domestic universities for one year. The courses offered are language courses and general education courses in foreign universities, that is, preparatory courses for international study abroad.

If you apply for a foreign university with preparatory grades, the pass rate will be improved. You can directly study undergraduate courses as long as your language scores meet the direct record standards of foreign universities at the time of application.

  Domestic Preparatory School for Studying Abroad:

school student recruitment brochure
Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing International Studies University Southeast Asia International Undergraduate Program Enrollment Brochure
Beijing International Studies University Lancaster University Project (1+3/2+2)
Beijing International Studies University Italian Direct Train Enrollment Brochure
Beijing International Studies University SEIS Preparatory Program (1+3)
Beijing International Studies University (Beijing International Studies University) OSSD elite school sprint class (1+3, 1+4) enrollment brochure
Beijing International Studies University European Complex Language Experimental Class
Beijing Language and Culture University Beijing Language and Culture University International Undergraduate Undergraduate Class Admission Guide
University of Electronic Science and Technology University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Korea Preparatory Program
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Malaysia Undergraduate Program
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) Top School Orientation Class 1+3 Undergraduate Program Enrollment Brochure
Beijing International Studies University Introduction to Undergraduate Preparatory Program of Beijing International Studies University
Enrollment Guide of Beijing International Studies University for Italian Preparatory Studies
Beijing International Studies University German Preparatory Admission Brochure
Hebei University of Technology Enrollment Brochure of Hebei University of Technology International Undergraduate Foundation 1+3 Project
Xi'an International Studies University Enrollment Guide of Xi'an International Studies University Yousong University
Introduction to Undergraduate and Master Study Abroad Program of Xi'an International Studies University in Malaysia
Xi'an International Studies University 1+3/1+2 Top Universities Undergraduate Study Abroad Preparatory Program Enrollment Brochure
Communication University of China Introduction to Admission of Music and Recording Arts Major of Communication University of China
Communication University of China Creative Industry Major Pre study Admission Brochure
Communication University of China Art and Design Preparatory Admission Brochure
Communication University of China Film and Television Production and Performance Major Pre study Admission Brochure
Communication University of China Media and Communication Major Pre study Admission Brochure
Wenzhou University Enrollment Guide of Wenzhou University International Undergraduate Course
Northwestern University Northwestern University British famous school through train enrollment brochure
Admission Brochure of Northwest University's Eight Famous Universities in Australia and New Zealand
Northwest University British Australian New International Undergraduate Enrollment Brochure
Northwest University Malaysia Master's Direct Train Admission Brochure
Northwest University James Cook University Singapore Campus Pre study Admission Brochure

  2、 2+2 Study abroad

2+2 Studying abroad is an international undergraduate program, which is not restricted by the majors.

After entering the 2+2 study abroad program, you can study in domestic universities for 2 years, complete the preparatory courses for studying abroad (including language courses), and the first year professional courses of foreign universities. After going abroad, you can complete the remaining undergraduate courses to obtain a bachelor's degree. Those who are interested can continue to study further to obtain a master's degree, and the degree can be certified after returning home.

   Domestic 2+2 overseas schools:

2+2 Overseas study institutions student recruitment brochure
Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing International Studies University 2+2 Enrollment Guide (Overseas Undergraduate Credit Exemption Program)
Central University of Finance and Economics Central University of Finance and Economics 2+2 Student Enrollment Brochure
Communication University of China Communication University of China DAP International Undergraduate Program Admission Brochure
Communication University of China Communication University of China 2+2 Enrollment Guide
University of Electronic Science and Technology University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 2+2 Enrolment Guide
China University of Petroleum China University of Petroleum 2+2 Enrolment Guide
Qingdao University Qingdao University 2+2 Enrolment Guide
Shandong Normal University Shandong Normal University 2+2 Student Enrollment Brochure
Shandong University of Technology Shandong University of Technology 2+2 Enrolment Guide
Nanchang University Nanchang University 2+2 Enrolment Guide

  3、 3+2 Study abroad

3+2 Studying abroad is an undergraduate and postgraduate program, which is not subject to professional restrictions.

To enter 3+2 and study abroad, students need to spend three years in domestic universities to complete preparatory courses for studying abroad and some undergraduate professional courses in foreign universities. The remaining undergraduate professional courses will be completed in the first year of going abroad, and the one-year master program will be completed in the second year. Finally, they will obtain a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from foreign universities. After returning home, they can be certified.

3+2 Study abroad is suitable for countries willing to study in the British education system, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, etc.

   Domestic 3+2 overseas schools:

school student recruitment brochure
Central University of Finance and Economics Click to view: Central University of Finance and Economics 3+2 Overseas Student Recruitment Brochure
University of International Business and Economics Click to view: University of International Business and Economics 3+2 Enrolment Guide
Beijing University of Technology Click to view: Beijing Institute of Technology Hong Kong International Undergraduate Program 3+2 Enrolment Brochure
University of Electronic Science and Technology Click to view: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 3+2 Enrolment Guide
Beijing International Studies University Click to view: Beijing International Studies University 3+2 Study Abroad (SQA3+1+1) Admission Guide
China University of Petroleum Click to view: China University of Petroleum 3+2 Enrolment Guide
Jinan University Click to view: Jinan University 3+2 Enrolment Guide
Wenzhou University Click to view: 3+2 Enrolment Guide of Wenzhou University
Qingdao University Click to view: Qingdao University 3+2 Enrollment Guide
Shandong Normal University Click to view: Shandong Normal University 3+2 Enrolment Guide
Northwestern University Click to view: Northwest University 3+2 Enrolment Guide

On the whole, the employment situation in Britain after studying abroad shows the characteristics of diversification and specialization. Although the market may fluctuate, the comprehensive quality and international experience of international students can usually help them stand out in the job market, especially in positions with high salary and high skill requirements. However, with the changes in the domestic and international employment markets, international students also need to constantly adapt and improve their skills to ensure that they can maintain their advantages in the competition.

Recommended reading:

   Where do you study English pre - undergraduate courses? What are the advantages?

   British application schedule, collect it now!

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