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How much is the University of International Business and Economics preparatory course?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-21 18:08:45

   University of International Business and Economics The preparatory program, with a length of schooling of 1+4, offers English examination training courses, academic English courses and professional basic courses for former senior high school graduates who are interested in studying abroad. Through 1-2 years of systematic study, students can lay the necessary language ability and professional basic knowledge for further study abroad. So, how much is the preparatory course for studying in UIBE? This article gives you an introduction!

 University of International Business and Economics Preparatory Students.jpg

1、 University of International Business and Economics Preparatory Study How much?

Training fee: 98000 yuan/year, which is collected by the University of International Business and Economics and issued an official invoice.

The tuition and miscellaneous fees, accommodation fees, consulting fees for studying abroad, etc. shall be subject to the relevant standards of the actual service provider, and shall be collected by the actual service provider.

Payment method: bank transfer to the UIBE account number, which must be marked with "student's name+AIAC project".

2、 University of International Business and Economics Pre study Admission Conditions

Enrollment target:

1. Students who should be former high school graduates or students with the same educational background

2. Students who have completed the second year of senior high school

Registration conditions:

1. The written test can be exempted if the score of English single subject in the college entrance examination is more than 100 points (full score of 150 points);

2. If the IELTS score is above 4.5, the written test can be exempted;

3. Students who do not provide the above scores need to participate in the unified entrance English test and interview organized by the college and pass the test.

Application materials:

Application form; Electronic version of ID card; Electronic version of high school graduation certificate; Electronic version of college entrance examination results.

Admission procedure:

1. Submit application materials

2. Attend the written entrance examination and interview

3. Pass the exam and get the admission notice

4. Pay tuition fees to determine enrollment quota

Click to view the school enrollment details>> University of International Business and Economics AIAC International Course Program Enrollment Brochure

The above content is to introduce to you how much is the preparatory course for studying in UIBE? I hope it can help you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

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