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University of International Business and Economics brief introduction

  • Location: Beijing
  • School running characteristics: 211. Key Universities
  • Countries studying abroad: UK, USA, Singapore, etc
  • Study abroad mode: Undergraduate Foundation
School details: The University of International Business and Economics, or "UIBE" for short, is located in Beijing, the capital of China. The university started from the Senior Business Cadre School of the Ministry of Trade, which was founded in 1951. It was merged into the Beijing Institute of Foreign Trade in 1954. In 1960, it was listed as one of the first 64 national key universities. 199... View details>>
School advantages: Reliable and safe ways to study abroad Experienced International Foundation
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University of International Business and Economics student recruitment brochure

AIAC International Course Project
Enrollment target: Previous college and undergraduate graduates
Length of schooling: 1 year at home, 4 years abroad
Major of studying abroad: Early childhood education, computer education, etc
Enrollment: 100 people
Connecting universities: Durham University, Sydney University, Washington University, University of Toronto, Singapore School of Management, etc
Domestic tuition: 98000 yuan /Year
Countries studying abroad: UK, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Australia
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University of International Business and Economics Campus environment

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What are the entry requirements for the International Preparatory Program of the University of International Business and Economics? Which universities are connected to?

The international preparatory course of the University of International Business and Economics has a duration of 1+4. The teachers of this project are composed of well-known domestic IELTS/TOEFL/TestDaf/DELE/GRE/GMAT teachers and experienced teachers in basic professional courses. Professional and perfect teachers are the guarantee for students' success

How much is the tuition fee for studying in UIBE 3+2 for one year?

The University of International Business and Economics Study Abroad 3+2 Program, as an official introduction project of the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education, has no difference between the bachelor's and master's degrees obtained by students and the degrees obtained by local students of foreign universities, and can be certified for academic degrees. University of International Business and Economics 3+2 one-year tuition for studying abroad for three years in China, 69800 yuan per person per academic year

What are the advantages of studying in UIBE 3+2?

University of International Business and Economics 3+2 has many advantages in studying abroad. Students study in domestic universities for three years, then transfer to foreign universities for two years, and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities after graduation

What are the orientation schools for preparatory studies in the University of International Business and Economics?

The University of International Business and Economics Pre study Program has a length of 1+4. Students can not only improve their language, but also improve their abilities in many aspects, such as lectures, seminars, teamwork, thesis writing, public speeches, project design and implementation

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