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Shandong University of Science and Technology Russian Preparatory Course Enrollment Brochure

School Profile

Shandong University of Science and Technology, founded in 1956, is a university jointly built by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and the People's Government of Shandong Province, a high-level university construction unit in Shandong Province, and a multidisciplinary university focusing on science and engineering in Shandong Province.

Since its establishment in 2006, Shandong University of Science and Technology has carried out joint training and study abroad programs with nearly 50 universities in many countries after 16 years of development, which has won social recognition and established a good international education brand.

Project Introduction

In order to meet the needs of more students studying abroad, Shandong University of Technology has cooperated with many Russian universities to carry out Russian preparatory teaching in China, which is taught by Chinese teachers and foreign teachers. Students can also enjoy the same language environment abroad in China.

Students who have studied full-time in Shandong University of Technology for 0.5 - 1 years and achieved the admission requirements of Russian cooperative universities can enter Russian universities. After completing their studies, they can obtain a Russian university diploma, which is certified by the Ministry of Education of China and is equivalent to a domestic university diploma+diploma.

After graduation and returning home, students can take the civil service examination and public institution recruitment examination, and enjoy the treatment of returning overseas talents and relevant preferential policies for returned overseas students.

Academic planning

The first stage: Shandong University of Science and Technology has studied for 0.5-1 years, mainly studying basic Russian knowledge, application of methods and local culture.

The second stage: meet the admission requirements of Russian universities, continue to study undergraduate (including college to undergraduate) and master's courses, pass the grades, meet the graduation requirements, and obtain the graduation certificate of Russian universities.

Project advantages

Official school running and authoritative certification

Shandong University of Technology cooperates with many Russian universities to implement a unified management model and standard, and its graduation certificate is certified by the Ministry of Education of China, enjoying relevant preferential policies for returned overseas students.

Professional and complete, low cost

Russian colleges and universities can choose a wide range of majors. Students who meet the requirements of major admission can choose the corresponding majors according to their own conditions. The cost of study is low.

Resource sharing and advanced concept

Share the high-quality education and teaching resources of Shandong University of Technology with full-time students, hire excellent training teachers, adopt international concepts and teaching systems, innovate teaching models, and teach in small classes and at different levels.

Strict management and professional service

Students are included in the unified management of the school, strengthen communication with parents, improve students' self-management ability and sense of responsibility, and provide all-round personalized support services for students' study, life, school application, visa, etc.

Cooperative colleges

moscow state university

Moscow State University is the largest and oldest comprehensive university in the Russian Federation, the academic center of Russia, one of the top European and world famous universities, and a member of the International Public University Forum.

Saint Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg State University is a world famous public research university, which, together with Moscow State University, forms the highest palace of Russian higher education and is one of the members of the Coimbra Group. St. Petersburg State University is the first university in the Russian speaking world.

People's Friendship University of Russia

The Russian People's Friendship University was founded in 1960. It is one of the famous comprehensive universities in Russia, known as the "cradle of world politicians". It is a new and famous university focusing on international relations and world culture.

Comte Baltic Federal University

The Federal University of the Baltic Sea is located in Kaliningrad, the center of western Russia, and is one of the higher education and research centers in the northwestern region of the Russian Federation.

Moscow State Regional University

Moscow State University, founded in 1931, is one of the largest universities in Moscow and one of the research centers of Russian higher education. The university has trained many outstanding Russian experts.

Ural Federal University

With the development of recent years, Ural Federal University has developed into a comprehensive college of higher education with nearly 100 teaching and research departments, multiple training directions (bachelor master), and hundreds of training majors (experts).

Mining Normal University

Kuzma Minin Normal University School in Nizhny Novgorod State is one of the oldest normal universities in the Russian Federation. The school was merged from Volgask National Engineering Normal University and Nizhny Novgorod National Normal University in 2011, also known as the University of Minning.

Vladimir State University

Founded in 1958, Vladimir State University has become a large scientific education center in Russia. The university has high-quality staff, profound scientific potential, advanced laboratories and information resources, and all the necessary conditions for teaching, education and scientific research.

Altai State University

Located in Barnaul, Altai National University is the largest and most prestigious comprehensive university in the Altai Border Region on the Siberian Plain. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization University, a key university in Russia, is equivalent to 211 in China, ranking among the top 70 in Russia for a long time.

Professional settings


Biology and Chemistry, Machinery Manufacturing, Software Engineering, Technical Physics, Computer Science, Information Security, Psychology, Architecture

Liberal arts

Foreign Russian Studies, Normal Education, Translation Studies, Geoecology, Political Science, Journalism, Law

department of commerce

Management and marketing, world economy, hotel management, corporate finance


Musicology, art design

Instructions for Registration

Enrollment object Ying, former technical secondary school, senior high school, junior college and undergraduate graduates

Registration conditions:

1. The applicant must be a citizen of the People's Republic of China and reside in China for a long time.

2. It is required to have the diploma of technical secondary school, high school and junior college (undergraduate or junior college), and the diploma of undergraduate (master).

Admission: The university organizes a unified admission interview to select the best candidates (art majors need to have the relevant art foundation of the applied major)

Enrollment process:

① Online registration/on-site registration/telephone registration

② Fill in the application form and submit the application materials

③ Attend the internal interview

④ Receive the admission notice and successfully enroll

Charging standard

Domestic tuition: (students can choose half year classes and one-year classes freely)

36000 yuan a year

18000 yuan for half a year

Registration method
Admission telephone:
Application process:
Telephone reservation or [online registration] Entrance test Admission Registration procedures Formal opening of school

Shandong University of Technology Online Application for Studying Abroad

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