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Shandong University of Technology brief introduction

  • Location: Shandong
  • School running characteristics: Ordinary colleges and universities
  • Countries studying abroad: Britain, Russia, Malaysia, etc
  • Study abroad mode: Undergraduate Foundation, 2+2
School details: Shandong University of Technology is a university jointly built by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and the People's Government of Shandong Province, and a multidisciplinary university focusing on engineering, which is a key construction project in Shandong Province. It is one of the first batch of national pilot units of the "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Plan", the national pilot unit of foreign language teaching reform, and the national outstanding unit of educational informatization pilot Postgraduate qualification colleges and universities, Shandong Province "application..." View details>>
School advantages: Official certification is guaranteed Customized international teaching Multiple Choice of Studying Abroad
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Popular concern of Shandong University of Technology

Shandong University of Technology student recruitment brochure

Preparatory Course for Studying in Malaysia
Enrollment target: Former high school graduates
Length of schooling: 1 year at home, 3 years abroad
Major of studying abroad: Stage performance, biology, etc
Enrollment: 100 people
Connecting universities: University of Malaya Botla University
Domestic tuition: 15000 yuan /Year
Countries studying abroad: Malaysia
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Preparatory Course for Studying in Russia
Enrollment target: Former high school graduates
Length of schooling: 1 year at home, 4 years abroad
Major of studying abroad: Music, biology, etc
Enrollment: 50 people
Connecting universities: Moscow State University St. Petersburg State University
Domestic tuition: 36000 yuan /Year
Countries studying abroad: Russia
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2+2 Study abroad
Enrollment target: Former high school graduates
Length of schooling: 2 years at home and 2 years abroad
Major of studying abroad: Marketing, accounting, etc
Enrollment: 100 people
Connecting universities: Sydney University of Science and Technology Coventry University
Domestic tuition: 62000 yuan /Year
Countries studying abroad: UK, Australia
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Korean Preparatory School
Enrollment target: Former high school graduates
Length of schooling: 1 year at home, 4 years abroad
Major of studying abroad: Accounting, finance, etc
Enrollment: 20 people
Connecting universities: Jianguo University, Busan University
Domestic tuition: 15000 yuan /Year
Countries studying abroad: the republic of korea
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How much is the domestic and foreign expenses of Shandong University of Science and Technology's Korean Preparatory Program?

Shandong University of Science and Technology South Korea preparatory course fees: domestic tuition 15 thousand for half a year, 28 thousand for one year; Accommodation fee is 2400 yuan for half year shift and 4200 yuan for one year shift; The service fee is 4500 yuan for the language school and 6500 yuan for the undergraduate. The tuition and living expenses in South Korea are about RMB 60000~80000/year

Introduction to the Preparatory Course and Direct Course for Studying in Korea of Shandong University of Technology

Shandong Polytechnic University Korean Preparatory Course: After studying Korean for half a year full-time in Shandong Polytechnic University, students will continue to strengthen Korean learning in the language school of Korean Cooperative University. After the language meets the admission requirements of Korean universities, they can enter undergraduate and graduate professional studies, complete credits, and obtain a bachelor's degree certificate and master's degree certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education of China. Direct courses: After one year of full-time study of Korean in Shandong University of Technology, students can directly enter Korean Cooperative University for undergraduate and postgraduate professional studies, with full credits, and obtain the undergraduate degree certificate and master's degree certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education of China

Four Advantages of the Russian Preparatory Class of Shandong University of Technology

Advantages of Shandong University of Technology's Russian Study Abroad Preparatory Class: official school running, low cost of complete majors, advanced concept of resource sharing, strict management and professional service. Students can obtain the certification of Russian universities and enjoy preferential treatment for returning home. Students who have studied in Shandong University of Science and Technology for 0.5-1 years full-time and have achieved the admission requirements of Russian cooperative universities can enter Russian universities. After completing their studies, they can obtain the graduation certificate of Russian universities, which is certified by the Ministry of Education of China and is equivalent to the graduation certificate+degree certificate of domestic universities

Shandong University of Technology 2+2 out of plan enrollment conditions

Conditions for enrollment beyond the 2+2 study abroad plan of Shandong University of Technology: 1. The college entrance examination English score should generally be 90 points or above (those who do not have college entrance examination English scores need to participate in the English test organized by Shandong University of Technology). 2. The university will organize the entrance interview and select the best candidates for admission

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