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How much is the 2+2 international undergraduate fee of Shandong Normal University?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-21 17:03:38

   Shandong Normal University Studying Abroad 2+2 International Undergraduate Program: students will study full-time in domestic universities for 2 years, then transfer to foreign universities for 2 years, and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities after graduation. So, how much is the 2+2 international undergraduate fee of Shandong Normal University? This article gives you an introduction!

 Shandong Normal University 2+2 International Undergraduate Fees. jpg

Shandong Normal University 2+2 international undergraduate fees, domestic tuition: 68000 yuan/year, foreign university fees are mainly applied to universities.

   Those who meet the conditions can be admitted as follows:

1. The college entrance examination score reaches the undergraduate level, and the English single subject score is more than 90 points (full score of 150 points).

2. Students with a single English score of 110 or above (full score of 150) can be admitted without examination.

3. Those who fail to meet the above requirements can participate in the unified written examination of English single subject after registration, and choose the best to enroll

Foreign cooperation universities:

Countries studying abroad Connecting universities
britain University of Aberdeen, Coventry University, Derby University, Plymouth University, Robert Gordon University, De Montfort University, University of Bassbad, University of Birmingham, University of Central Lancashire, etc
U.S.A Kansas State University, University of Arizona, Washington State University, Federal University of Florida, Western Michigan University, Northern Illinois University, etc
Australia University of Kamgriffith, University of Queensland, University of Tasmania, Macquarie University, etc
Canada Computer science, computer system, data processing, computer graphics, network management, computer programming, information technology, information security, database management, etc

Click to view the school enrollment details>> Shandong Normal University 2+2 Student Enrollment Brochure

The above content is to introduce Shandong Normal University 2+2 international undergraduate fees? I hope it can help you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

Recommended reading:

   How much is the 2+2 international undergraduate course of Shandong Normal University?

   Conditions for International Undergraduate 2+2 Study Abroad Application of Shandong Normal University in 2024

Shandong Normal University Online Application for Studying Abroad

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two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

What are Shandong Normal University's 2+2 universities for studying abroad?

Shandong Normal University's 2+2 Study Abroad Program, those who pass the domestic academic performance will directly transfer to foreign universities to study for the next two years and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities; After obtaining a bachelor's degree, students can directly apply to study in a master's degree program in a foreign university, and obtain a master's degree from a foreign university in 1-2 years


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

Is it reliable for Shandong Normal University to study abroad at 2+2? What are the application conditions?

Is it reliable for Shandong Normal University to study abroad at 2+2? It is reliable that Shandong Normal University's 2+2 program of studying abroad will enable students to study in domestic universities for 2 years, then transfer to foreign universities for 2 years, and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities after graduation


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

What are the admission requirements for Shandong Normal University's 2+2 overseas study program?

The "2+2" study abroad program of Shandong Normal University covers dozens of majors and has extensive adaptability and flexibility. The curriculum is scientific and standardized, so that students can fully enjoy the high-level education of international standards


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

2+2 International Undergraduate Admission Score of Shandong Normal University in 2024

Shandong Normal University's 2+2 International Undergraduate Program for Studying Abroad allows students to study in domestic universities for 2 years, then transfer to foreign universities for 2 years, and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities after graduation


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

2024 Entrance Requirements of Shandong Normal University for 3+2 Continuous Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies

Requirements of Shandong Normal University for 3+2 consecutive undergraduate and postgraduate studies: Those who have met the matriculation score of undergraduate college entrance examination or English score of more than 90 points should be admitted without examination by former senior high school graduates (interview required); Those who fail to meet the requirements for examination free admission must pass the entrance examination organized by the university's overseas study training base and be admitted on the basis of merit


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

How much is the tuition fee of Shandong Normal University 2+2 study abroad in 2024?

Shandong Normal University 2+2 tuition: 68000 yuan/year, covering dozens of majors, with extensive adaptability and flexibility. The curriculum is scientific and standardized, so that students can fully enjoy the high-level education of international standards

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