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Nanchang University Studying Abroad brief introduction

  • Location: Jiangxi
  • School running characteristics: 211. Key Universities
  • Countries studying abroad: UK, USA, Singapore, etc
  • Study abroad mode: 2+2
School details: Nanchang University, located in Nanchang City, the capital of Jiangxi Province, is a national "double first-class" world-class discipline construction university, the only national "211 Project" key construction university in Jiangxi Province, the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Jiangxi Province cooperate to build universities, and the high-level universities in Jiangxi Province as a whole have been selected into the comprehensive strength improvement project of universities in central and western China The national construction of high-level university public postgraduate project, the first batch of excellent engineer education and training plan of the Ministry of Education, excellent doctor education and training View details>>
School advantages: Government authorized international certification Overseas exchange of international education Innovative teaching quality first
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Nanchang University Studying Abroad student recruitment brochure

2+2 Study abroad
Enrollment target: Former high school graduates
Length of schooling: 2 years at home and 2 years abroad
Major of studying abroad: Business management, accounting, etc
Enrollment: 100 people
Connecting universities: Sussex University, York University, James Cook University Singapore Campus
Domestic tuition: 52000 yuan /Year
Countries studying abroad: UK, USA, Singapore, Hungary, Malaysia, Canada, Australia
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Nanchang University 2+2 Overseas Students Majoring in Digital Media

The Digital 2+2 Overseas Study Program of Nanchang University focuses on teaching quality and standardized daily management, aims to provide students with high-quality teaching and services, and is committed to cultivating students into high-quality talents with international vision, understanding international rules and international competitiveness. Among them, digital media majors are welcomed by students

Nanchang University International Undergraduate 2+2 Enrollment Requirements

Nanchang University's overseas study program has a length of schooling of 2+2. After two years of study in Nanchang University, students who pass the program can continue to study in foreign universities. After completing the required courses for two years in accordance with the requirements of foreign universities, they can obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities

What are the 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative schools in Nanchang University?

Nanchang University's 2+2 overseas study program for Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools, where students study in domestic universities for two years, then transfer to foreign universities for two years, and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities after graduation

What are the conditions for Nanchang University's international undergraduate 2+2 study abroad application?

Nanchang University International Undergraduate 2+2 International Application Conditions: The new college entrance examination students need to reach the provincial undergraduate level in the same year, and the English single subject score is not less than 90 points can be admitted without examination. Those who do not meet the conditions will participate in the independent enrollment examination organized by the project, and those who pass the examination will be selected for admission

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