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How to choose a suitable school for studying in the United States? Recommended by public universities!

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2023-11-05 08:45:46

The teaching resources, equipment, popularity and gold content of the United States are very high, and the education level enjoys a high reputation in the world. In the education system, in addition to private universities, many public universities are also very powerful. So, go Studying in the United States The number of students is increasing year by year. This article introduces the advantages of studying abroad in American public universities?

 Studying in the United States

1、 Advantages of Studying Abroad in American Public Universities

1. Low tuition

Even now, many families don't care how much money they spend on their children's education investment, but the cost performance ratio is a subjective consideration. Tuition is also an important factor that students will consider, because American public universities are sponsored by various states, so the tuition is cheaper than private universities.

2. Focus on scientific research

For some students who want to study in the United States and are about to study in the United States, we should carefully consider this issue, especially those who want to study as graduate students. In addition to being mainly responsible for educating students, American public university schools are also government sponsored research institutions.

3. Diversified background

Most American public universities are famous in the world, so they have diversified backgrounds thanks to the large number of international students from all over the world, multi ethnicity, multi culture, and everyone from different backgrounds. If you want to get more exposure to American culture, choosing American public universities can give you a deeper impression of the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural life of American society.

4. Open mind

This is actually due to the diversified background mentioned above. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage for students studying in the United States. While broadening their horizons and mood, they may also have to deal with more problems they have never met.

5. High proportion of teachers and students

Standing on the condition that we have a better understanding of the domestic situation, we must understand that small classes are more efficient than large classes. In public universities in the United States, first of all, the proportion of teachers and students is relatively high. In addition, there are more students and fewer teachers. This situation has led to many classes being taught in large classes. Sometimes a class can have more than 400 people at most. If you prefer to accept elite education or do not want to share classes with so many students, you should think carefully about public universities.

6. It is difficult to establish communication with professors

If Chinese students want to communicate more closely and effectively with professors, it is actually difficult to establish them. Studying abroad must be in the hope of close academic exchanges and more acceptance of professors' guidance and learning planning suggestions. Therefore, public universities should be carefully selected. In fact, in the United States, we pay more attention to the consciousness of conscious learning.

2、 Recommended by American public universities

1. Ohio State University

The Ohio State University (OSU for short), founded in 1870 and located in Columbus, the capital of Ohio, is a world famous research university, one of the first members of the American University Association of the North American Academic Union, and one of the top public universities in the United States, known as the public Ivy League.

The main campus of OSU covers an area of 65 square kilometers, which is one of the largest campuses in the United States. The major covers almost all academic fields, especially sociology, political science, economics, physics, astronomy, journalism and communication. Its business school was one of the first 16 founding members of AACSB in 1916; The medical school ranked among the top 30 in the United States, and US News ranked it as the 16th public university in the United States.

2. Florida State University

Florida State University, or FSU for short, was founded in 1851. It is a public research university, located in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida in the United States, and plays a leading role in the system of Florida universities.

In the academic ranking of ARWU world universities, Florida State University ranks 44th in the world in the field of social science and 76th in the world in the field of natural science.

Florida State University is a world-class academic reputation and a top research university in the United States. Among its professors, there are 6 Nobel Prize winners and 8 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences. The annual research funding of the university is up to 200 million dollars.

Click to view: Recommended by American institutions studying abroad

The above is the latest policy of studying abroad in the United States. I hope it will be helpful to you! about Study abroad If you have any questions, please leave us a message in the form below, and professional overseas teachers will answer them for you!

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   What is the cost of studying in American architectural design?

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