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Do you have any sense after reading the selection of American schools to study abroad?

Source: Sohu Time: 2016-04-18 09:37:33

 American Universities

More and more students are considering studying abroad, but the choice of schools has baffled everyone. American universities are good, but learning and competition are very fierce Studying in the United States How to choose a school? What aspects need to be considered? Let's have a look with Yulu Overseas Study Editor.

  1、 Look at the school style

It is well known that American college life is rich and colorful. What kind of classmates to be roommates and make friends with is a very important but vague factor, which also has a lot to do with personal character.

   2、 Look at the nature of the school

American four-year universities are mainly divided into comprehensive universities and liberal arts colleges. U. S. News ranks them separately.

1. National University. Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc. are all comprehensive universities. There are one or more undergraduate colleges, including the College of Arts and Sciences and specialized colleges that implement general education, such as business, medicine, art, journalism, etc., and different colleges may have different admission difficulties.

2. Liberal Arts College.

3. Specialty Colleges, such as Juliard School, Babson College, Cooper Union, RISD, are suitable for students with special interests and talents in certain majors, such as art, architecture, music, etc.

   3、 Look at the size of the school

Generally speaking, the scale of liberal arts and science colleges is small, usually around 2000 people. Most of the undergraduate colleges of private comprehensive universities are 4000-8000, while the famous public comprehensive universities usually have more than 20000 students. The student faculty ratio should also be considered. Because of the small scale and financial wealth, many liberal arts colleges and small private comprehensive universities have advantages in this data. Students can usually enjoy small classes, gain more attention from professors, and have more access to space and resources.

  4、 Look at the geographical location

The geographical location of American universities is to choose a four-year lifestyle! Think back to your usual lifestyle: Are you from a big city or a small city? Do you like lively or quiet? Do you like to stay at home or wander around? Are you bored without exhibitions and concerts? Do you like outdoor sports or athletics? Want to study or do you want to work as an intern?

   5、 Look at the tendency of literature and science

American universities are famous for their general education, and most of them are not very liberal. Arts: Yale, Georgetown, Amherst, Claremont McKenna, Middlebury, Kenyon, etc. Science and engineering: MIT, CalTech, Carnegie Mellon, Swarthmore, Harvey Mudd, Lafayette, etc

   6、 See single gender school

Single sex colleges may be rarely listened to, but sometimes appear on TV, such as Wellesley, Smith, Mount Holyoke, Bryn Mawr, Barnard, There are also a few boys' schools, such as Wabash. It is a rigorous style of study, tight schoolwork, close and harmonious relationship with classmates, and suitable for quiet and mindless learning. However, most of them are located in rural areas where social life is relatively simple, and most of their contacts with the opposite sex are in cross school classes or networking activities. For Chinese students who are not accustomed to American style social exchanges, the chances of making friends with the opposite sex may be reduced. Of course, whether to choose a single gender school or not varies from person to school.

The issue of school selection is really important. Of course, students should examine their own conditions and choices, and what is suitable for them is! I hope the above introduction can be helpful to those who want to study in the United States!

If you have more questions about studying in the United States, please call the hotline 400-000-8881 to consult with Yulu's experts on studying abroad. Or scan the QR code below and follow the WeChat Pre study Center for more information about studying abroad.

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