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Application Conditions and Procedures for Pre master Study Abroad

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-21 11:37:41

With the development of global education integration, more and more students choose to go overseas for further study. The pre master's program has become a springboard for many students. For those who want to study for a master's degree in the UK and other countries, but may be slightly lacking in academic background or language skills, the pre master's program provides an ideal transition stage. This article will elaborate on the master's degree Preparatory Study Application conditions and process.

 Application for Pre master Study Abroad. jpg

1、 Application conditions for pre master's degree

academic requirement:

Education background: applicants usually need to have a bachelor's degree or college degree. Students with part-time or adult education background may also be considered as long as their average score reaches more than 60 points.

Performance criteria: British pre master's degree usually requires a full-time undergraduate degree, with an average score of more than 80 points. However, the entry requirements for preparatory courses are relatively relaxed, with an average score of 60 or more.

Language requirements:

English level: For preparatory courses taught in English, the IELTS score is generally between 5.5 and 6.5. For students who do not meet this standard, some preparatory programs allow zero basis admission.

Other materials:

Personal statement: describe your learning objectives, experience and why you chose the preparatory course.

Letter of recommendation: usually a letter of reference from an academic tutor or work supervisor, showing personal ability and potential.

2、 Pre master application process

Research and selection:

Determine professional direction: choose appropriate preparatory courses according to the master's major you want to study in the future.

Select schools: investigate the factors such as preparatory courses, teaching quality, cost and geographical location of different schools.

Prepare materials:

Summary of academic achievements: including transcripts and translations of degree certificates.

Write personal statement and recommendation letter.

Prepare for language test scores (e.g. IELTS).

Online application:

Visit the official website of the target school or submit the application through the study abroad intermediary.

Fill in the application form and upload all necessary documents.

Waiting for admission notice:

Admission results are usually received within weeks to months after the application is submitted.

Confirmation of admission:

If you are accepted, you need to confirm your acceptance and pay the deposit within the specified time.

Visa application:

After obtaining the admission notice, you can start to prepare visa application materials, including financial certificates, accommodation arrangements, etc.

Preparation before travel:

Complete health examination, purchase insurance, book air tickets and accommodation, and understand the life information of the destination.

3、 Ways to study abroad for master degree

For applications Master study abroad For students with poor grades, it is difficult to apply directly, so they can choose to pass the preparatory course for study abroad. This mode of studying abroad has a short educational system, loose application conditions and low costs.

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Through the pre master's program, students can not only improve their academic ability, but also adapt to the new educational environment and cultural differences, so as to make full preparations for successful entry into the master's program. In the whole application process, it is recommended to plan in advance and seek professional consulting on studying abroad to ensure that there is no risk.

Recommended reading:

   Is it better to study in China or abroad?

   Is the domestic preparatory program good?

Customized by experts studying abroad Study abroad program

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What are the application conditions for the Master's Preparatory Program?

The application conditions for the Master's Preparatory Program for Studying Abroad should meet the academic requirements, language requirements, personal statements and recommendation letters


two thousand and twenty-four point zero one

What are the application conditions for the Master's Preparatory Program?

The application conditions for the Master's Preparatory Program for Studying Abroad should meet the academic requirements, language requirements, personal statements and recommendation letters

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