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Is it good for junior college students to study in preparatory courses abroad?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-09 11:29:06

Selection of junior college students Preparatory Study It is a decision full of opportunities and challenges. Preparatory courses are often a bridge for junior college students to enter the international higher education system, especially for those students who want to improve their academic qualifications, broaden their horizons and enhance their employment competitiveness. So, how about junior college students studying abroad for preparatory courses? This article gives you an explanation!

 Junior college students studying in preparatory course.jpg

1、 Preparatory courses provide opportunities for junior college students to adapt to the new environment

Helping students improve their language ability and become familiar with the new educational model and cultural environment is crucial for junior college students to directly enter undergraduate or graduate courses. At the same time, preparatory courses usually cover professional basic courses, which can make up the knowledge gap between professional education and foreign university courses.

2、 Preparatory courses also provide opportunities to change majors

Junior college students may have accumulated in their original professional fields, but through preparatory courses, they have the opportunity to explore new academic directions and open new possibilities for future career planning.

3、 Challenges of Junior College Students Studying in Preparatory Courses for Studying Abroad

At the preparatory stage, students are under great pressure to learn and have high language requirements, which requires strong self-management and adaptability. In addition, the cost of preparatory courses varies from high to low, requiring students and families to have adequate financial preparation.

   Some preparatory schools for studying abroad in China 👇

1. Beijing International Studies University Southeast Asia Orientation Preparatory Program

Cooperation institutions:

(1) Singapore

Singapore School of Management, Singapore PSB College, Singapore Shelton International College, Singapore Kaibo College of Higher Education, Singapore Raffles Design Institute, Singapore Raffles Conservatory of Music, Nanyang Art Institute, Singapore Management Development Institute, etc.

(2) Malaysia

University of Malaya, University of Botera, National University of Malaysia, Malaysian University of Science, Northern University of Malaysia, Malaysian University of Technology, Thales University, Stuart University, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Monash University Malaysia Campus, University of Wollongong Malaysia Campus, etc.

Click to view details>> Beijing International Studies University Southeast Asia International Undergraduate Program Enrollment Brochure

2. Beijing Language and Culture University Malaysia Orientation Preparatory Course

Cooperation institutions:

The University of Malaya, the University of Botra, the University of Botra, the Malaysian Polytechnic University, the Sudan Idris University of Education, Monash University Malaysia, Nottingham University Malaysia Campus, etc.

Click to view details>> Beijing Language and Culture University International Undergraduate Undergraduate Class Admission Guide

3. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)

Cooperation institutions:

Yonsei University, Sungkyunkwan University, Hanyang University, Gyeong Hee University, Lihua Women's University, Central University, Korea Foreign Studies University, Xijiang University, Jianguo University, Dongguo University, Korea University of Katuri, Renhe University, Hongyi University, etc.

Click to view details>> University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Korea Preparatory Program

More preparatory institutions for study abroad click to view>> Enrollment Guide for Studying Abroad

In general, junior college students studying in preparatory courses abroad is a road worth considering. It can open a new academic journey, but it also requires students to have enough determination and preparation to face challenges. Before making a decision, it is essential to fully understand your own needs, clarify your goals, and have a deep understanding of the preparatory courses.

Recommended reading:

   How about going to the preparatory class after the college entrance examination?

   Can senior two students apply for preparatory classes for studying abroad in domestic universities?

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