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How about going to the preparatory class after the college entrance examination?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-07 08:55:09

With the advancement of globalization, more and more Chinese high school graduates choose to study abroad after the college entrance examination. In the face of this trend, Preparatory Study Class has become an important bridge to overseas higher education. So, how about going to preparatory classes after the college entrance examination? This article will discuss its advantages and disadvantages as well as the key factors to be considered.

 After the college entrance examination, I will attend the preparatory course for studying abroad. jpg

1、 Help students adapt to foreign education mode in advance

Compared with the domestic education system, foreign universities usually adopt small class system and discussion teaching. The preparatory courses can make students familiar with this teaching method before entering the university, and reduce the sense of maladjustment at the beginning of studying abroad.

2、 Preparatory courses are essential for improving language skills

Whether in English or other languages, the preparatory stage provides a large number of practical opportunities for students to receive intensive training in listening, speaking, reading and writing to meet the language requirements of overseas universities.

3、 Foundation courses also provide opportunities for cultural adaptation

In the preparatory class, students can gradually understand the culture and social customs of the target country, which is valuable preparation for future life and study. In addition, the exchange of international students during the preparatory period also helps to broaden the horizon, cultivate cross-cultural communication skills and independent life skills.

However, there are also potential shortcomings in choosing preparatory classes for studying abroad. Although it is convenient to study preparatory courses in China, it may lack real language environment and cultural immersion. While studying preparatory courses abroad, although the experience is more real, the cost is higher, and students need to have a certain ability to take care of themselves. In addition, the quality of preparatory courses varies from institution to institution, so care should be taken when selecting preparatory courses to ensure that they are recognized by the target university.

Finally, candidates should consider personal circumstances, such as college entrance examination results, economic conditions, future professional direction, etc. The preparatory course may not be the best choice for everyone. If the results are not ideal and you cannot directly apply to a good foreign university, the preparatory course is a good choice. For students with excellent scores, solid English foundation, clear professional direction and strong adaptability, it may be more appropriate to apply directly to universities.

Some domestic preparatory schools for studying abroad are as follows:

   1. Beijing International Studies University Southeast Asia Orientation Preparatory Program

   Cooperation institutions:

(1) Singapore

Singapore School of Management, Singapore PSB College, Singapore Shelton International College, Singapore Kaibo College of Higher Education, Singapore Raffles Design Institute, Singapore Raffles Conservatory of Music, Nanyang Art Institute, Singapore Management Development Institute, etc.

(2) Malaysia

University of Malaya, University of Botera, National University of Malaysia, Malaysian University of Science, Northern University of Malaysia, Malaysian University of Technology, Thales University, Stuart University, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Monash University Malaysia Campus, University of Wollongong Malaysia Campus, etc.

Click to view details>> Beijing International Studies University Southeast Asia International Undergraduate Program Enrollment Brochure

  2. Beijing Language and Culture University Malaysia Orientation Preparatory Course

   Cooperation institutions:

The University of Malaya, the University of Botra, the University of Botra, the Malaysian Polytechnic University, the Sudan Idris University of Education, Monash University Malaysia, Nottingham University Malaysia Campus, etc.

Click to view details>> Beijing Language and Culture University International Undergraduate Undergraduate Class Admission Guide

  3. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)

  Cooperation institutions:

Yonsei University, Sungkyunkwan University, Hanyang University, Gyeong Hee University, Lihua Women's University, Central University, Korea Foreign Studies University, Xijiang University, Jianguo University, Dongguo University, Korea University of Katuri, Renhe University, Hongyi University, etc.

Click to view details>> University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Korea Preparatory Program

More preparatory institutions for study abroad click to view>> Enrollment Guide for Studying Abroad

In general, going to preparatory classes for study abroad after the college entrance examination is a choice worthy of serious consideration. It can provide students with a transition period and help them better meet the challenges of studying abroad. However, each student's situation is different, so it is necessary to comprehensively assess their own needs and consult with professionals before making a decision.

Recommended reading:

   Can senior two students apply for preparatory classes for studying abroad in domestic universities?

   When will you apply for the preparatory course in 2024?

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