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What are the requirements for studying in the 2+2 program?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-18 08:35:03

all the time, 2+2 Study abroad It is very popular among students. Students in this mode study in domestic universities for two years, then transfer to foreign universities for two years, and obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities after graduation. So, what conditions do you need to meet to study in the 2+2 study abroad program? This article gives you an introduction!

 2+2 Overseas Students.jpg

   The conditions for studying in the 2+2 study abroad program mainly include the following:

1. Students must have a high school diploma: this is a basic educational background requirement to ensure that students have completed the domestic basic education stage.

2. High requirements for English scores: different schools and projects have different requirements for English scores, but generally require English scores of more than 90 points in a single subject, and some projects even require more than 100 points.

3. College Entrance Examination Performance Requirements: In China, college entrance examination performance is an important standard to measure students' academic ability. Most 2+2 programs require college entrance examination scores above the undergraduate level, and some key universities have admission scores above 600.

4. Qualified in the comprehensive quality interview: In addition to the written examination results, some projects will also evaluate the students' comprehensive ability through the comprehensive quality interview.

5. Abundant economic conditions: Due to the high cost of studying abroad, economic conditions are also considered.

6. Comply with the specific admission standards of cooperative colleges: different cooperative colleges may have different specific requirements, such as language scores (such as IELTS), average grades of professional courses.

7. School running qualification: When selecting a school to participate in the 2+2 project, it is necessary to ensure that the school has legal school running qualifications and cooperation agreements with foreign universities, which are key factors to ensure the quality of education and degree recognition.

8. Credit conversion and degree certification: When students study in two universities at home and abroad, they need to pay attention to whether the credits can be mutually recognized, and whether the final degree can be certified by the Ministry of Education in China.

  Some domestic 2+2 overseas universities:

school student recruitment brochure
Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing International Studies University 2+2 Enrollment Guide (Overseas Undergraduate Credit Exemption Program)
Central University of Finance and Economics Central University of Finance and Economics 2+2 Student Enrollment Brochure
Communication University of China Communication University of China DAP International Undergraduate Program Admission Brochure
Communication University of China Communication University of China 2+2 Enrollment Guide
University of Electronic Science and Technology University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 2+2 Enrolment Guide
China University of Petroleum China University of Petroleum 2+2 Enrolment Guide
Qingdao University Qingdao University 2+2 Enrolment Guide
Shandong Normal University Shandong Normal University 2+2 Student Enrollment Brochure
Shandong University of Technology Shandong University of Technology 2+2 Enrolment Guide
Nanchang University Nanchang University 2+2 Enrolment Guide

To sum up, students applying for the 2+2 study abroad program need to have a certain academic background, reach a high level of English, pass the college entrance examination and other selection methods, and have good economic conditions. At the same time, they also need to pay attention to the specific requirements and school running qualifications of cooperative colleges.

Recommended reading:

   How much is the international undergraduate 2+2 study abroad fee?

   List of Application Time for Studying Abroad in Chinese foreign Cooperative Schools in 2024

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