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Registration Schedule of Beijing Sino foreign Cooperative School for Studying Abroad

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-13 10:36:48

   Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad The registration time is mainly concentrated in the autumn of each year, that is, from March to September. By 2024, the registration time for most Chinese foreign cooperative education projects will generally be between March and June each year. In addition, there is evidence that the registration time for some projects may be extended to September. For the master's program, the registration time is all year round. The spring class and autumn class start from April to June and September to November respectively.

Therefore, the registration time of Chinese foreign cooperative schools can be summarized as follows: spring class (April June), autumn class (September November).

 Beijing Sino foreign Cooperation School Application Time.jpg

Beijing has compiled an application schedule for Chinese foreign cooperative schools in Beijing for your reference!

school Time of application for Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools in Beijing

Beijing Foreign Studies University

   Time of application for studying abroad in Beijing International Studies University

Central University of Finance and Economics

   Time of application for Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools at the Central University of Finance and Economics

Communication University of China

   Time of Application for Studying Abroad in Communication University of China

University of International Business and Economics

   University of International Business and Economics Time of Application for Chinese foreign Cooperation in Running Schools

Beijing International Studies University

   Time of application for studying abroad in Beijing International Studies University

Beijing Language and Culture University

   Beijing Language and Culture University Chinese foreign cooperation school study abroad application time

China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

To be updated

Beijing University of Technology

To be updated

Central Academy of Fine Arts

To be updated

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

To be updated

Conditions for application for studying abroad in a Chinese foreign cooperative school:

For new high school graduates, college entrance examination results are the key threshold. Generally, the total score of college entrance examination of students should reach the undergraduate level of the province where they are located, and there are clear requirements for English single subject scores, which are generally above 90 points (150 points). It is worth noting that different cooperation projects may set different English scores, and some even require 100 points, 110 points or higher.

The proof of English ability is another important indicator. In addition to college entrance examination English scores, internationally recognized English test scores, such as IELTS 4.5 to 5.5 or TOEFL 70 to 80, can also exempt students from the written test, but usually still need to pass the interview. Some top level programs, such as some overseas study programs of Beijing International Studies University, may require students to take entrance examinations even if they meet these standards, so as to ensure the quality of students.

In addition, the graduation certificate of senior high school must be recognized by the state, and the graduation certificate of private senior high school or vocational high school or technical secondary school must meet the corresponding standards. In addition, the validity period of IELTS and TOEFL scores is usually two years, and scores beyond this period will no longer be accepted.

The application process usually includes the submission of application forms, high school transcripts, English achievement certificates and other materials, and may involve interviews. Once the application materials are approved, students will receive the admission notice and then go through the visa and admission procedures.

On the whole, we should know and prepare well in advance for the time of application for studying abroad in a Chinese foreign cooperative school. Studying abroad in a Chinese foreign cooperative school requires not only excellent academic achievements, but also good English communication skills. The key to successful application is to be well prepared and understand the admission requirements of specific projects. For students who intend to study abroad through this way, planning in advance, improving their English level, and paying attention to the specific requirements of each school will help to improve the success rate of application. Or make an appointment on the form below!

Recommended reading:

   2024 List of Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools approved by the Ministry of Education

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