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 2+2 Countries applying for study abroad

2+2 study abroad is a four-year undergraduate study abroad program, which is consistent with the undergraduate study system of many countries in the world. Therefore, there are many countries that can apply for 2+2 study abroad. Let's summarize the countries that can apply for 2+2 study abroad in detail.

Traditional study abroad country -- Britain, America, Australia and Canada

at present 2+2 Study abroad The application countries mainly include Britain, the United States, Australia and Canada. Some colleges can also apply to some universities in New Zealand and Ireland.

In these four traditional countries, students are more inclined to study in the UK at present, because the British universities cooperated in this project rank better. Students can apply to the famous British universities Edinburgh University, Manchester University, Sheffield University, Liverpool University, Leeds University, Southampton University, Queen's University of Belfast, Glasgow University, Leicester University Coventry University, etc.

Emerging students studying abroad - South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand

In addition to European and American countries, there are also popular Asian countries for studying abroad - South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Among them, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia are more popular for studying abroad for the following reasons:

1. It is close to China and convenient to travel during the epidemic;

2. The cost of studying abroad is low and the school is under economic pressure;

3. Both are diplomatic neutral countries, and the political environment for studying abroad is stable;

4. Visa is easy to handle;

5. Singapore and Malaysia are known as the transfer stations for studying abroad. After graduating from college, many students can directly go to famous universities in Britain, the United States and Australia to study for graduate students;

6. The food culture is similar, there are many Chinese, and the environment for studying abroad is comfortable.

7. The diploma is recognized by the Ministry of Education.

Instead of studying Korean in South Korea, studying in Malaysia and Singapore requires good IELTS scores. Students with good English scores can apply for 2+2 study abroad in Singapore and Malaysia, while students with poor English can consider applying for 2+2 study abroad in South Korea.


The above is the 2+2 study abroad application country. You can decide which domestic university 2+2 study abroad project to apply for according to the country of study abroad.

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