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Registration Schedule of Sichuan Sino foreign Cooperative Schools for Studying Abroad

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 11:32:03, May 21, 2024

With the deepening of global education, Sino foreign cooperative education projects in Sichuan provide diversified and flexible learning paths for students who want to study abroad. These programs not only give students the opportunity to experience international education, but also balance domestic and foreign education resources to a certain extent. This article introduces Sichuan Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad School registration time, for your reference!

 Registration Time of Sichuan Sino foreign Cooperative School for Studying Abroad. jpg

Generally, the enrollment time of such programs is divided into two stages: spring and autumn. The autumn enrollment program is generally open from March to June every year. This period is just before and after the national college entrance examination, which is a critical time for high school graduates. The spring enrollment program is from November to March of the next year. Relatively speaking, most colleges and universities enroll students in autumn. Although there is enrollment in spring, there are relatively large limitations in the selection of colleges and projects.

At the same time, students who apply need to know the enrollment information of the school in advance, such as admission conditions, fees, etc. For example, Sichuan University of Electronic Science and Technology has a variety of overseas study modes such as 2+2, 3+2, and preparatory courses. It can connect with schools in South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries.

Click to view the Chinese foreign joint enrollment brochure of UESTC>> University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

For master's programs, considering their shorter length of schooling (usually 1.5 to 2 years) and adapting to the needs of working people, the registration time may be more flexible, which may include rolling enrollment or application windows for specific batches.

In general, students who intend to participate in the Sichuan Sino foreign cooperative education program need to keep an eye on the school's dynamics and make preparations in advance so that they can complete the registration within the specified time and start their overseas study trip. At the same time, you can also make an appointment in the form below!

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   Registration Schedule of Tianjin Sino foreign Cooperative School for Studying Abroad

   What are the 2+2 overseas study programs for art students?

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