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List of Tuition Fees of Chinese Foreign Cooperative Schools

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-06 14:30:51

In order to help domestic students successfully study abroad, more and more domestic schools are cooperating with foreign schools to jointly open Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad Project. This kind of study abroad program has many modes, such as 2+2, 3+2, 3+2, and preparatory courses. In short, students need to study in domestic universities for 1-3 years, and then transfer to foreign cooperative universities for 1-2 years. After graduation, they will obtain bachelor's and master's degrees from foreign universities. However, there are many schools in China, and we pay more attention to the tuition fees when we choose schools. This article has compiled a list of tuition fees for overseas Chinese colleges and universities running Chinese foreign cooperation schools for you to check the tuition fees of each school.

 Tuition for studying abroad in Chinese foreign cooperation.jpg

List of Tuition Fees of Chinese foreign Cooperative Schools:

school Study abroad mode Tuition (click the article below for details)

Beijing Foreign Studies University


   How much is the tuition of Beijing International Studies University for studying abroad 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition fee for the preparatory course of Sino foreign cooperative education in Beijing Foreign Studies University?

Central University of Finance and Economics


   How much is the tuition of the Central University of Finance and Economics for studying abroad 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?


   How much is the tuition fee for 3+2 Chinese foreign cooperation in running a school at the Central University of Finance and Economics?

Communication University of China


   How much is the tuition of Communication University of China for studying abroad 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative school running?

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition for the preparatory course of Sino foreign cooperative education of Communication University of China?

Beijing University of Technology


   How much is the tuition fee of Beijing University of Technology's 3+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition fee of Beijing University of Technology's Sino foreign cooperation preparatory course?

Beijing Language and Culture University


   How much is the tuition of Beijing Language and Culture University for studying abroad 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition fee for the preparatory course of Sino foreign cooperation in running a school at Beijing Language and Culture University?

University of Electronic Science and Technology


   How much is the tuition of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China for studying abroad 2+2 Sino foreign cooperation in running schools?

Xi'an International Studies University


   How much is the tuition of Xi'an International Studies University for studying abroad 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Jinan University


   How much is the tuition of Jinan University's 3+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Dalian International Studies University


   How much is the tuition of Dalian International Studies University for studying abroad 3+2 Sino foreign cooperation in running schools?

Beijing International Studies University


   How much is the tuition fee of Beijing International Studies University for studying abroad 3+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition for the preparatory course of Sino foreign cooperative education in Beijing International Studies University?

University of International Business and Economics

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition fee for Sino foreign cooperation in the preparatory course for studying abroad of the University of International Business and Economics?

China University of Petroleum


   How much is the tuition fee for 2+2 overseas education of China University of Petroleum?


   How much is the tuition of 3+2 study abroad for China University of Petroleum in Sino foreign cooperation?

Preparatory Study

   Tuition of preparatory courses for Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools in China University of Petroleum

Qingdao University


   How much is the tuition fee for Qingdao University's 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Preparatory Study

   Tuition of preparatory course for overseas study in Qingdao University


   How much is the tuition fee of Qingdao University's 3+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Shandong University of Technology


   How much is the tuition of Shandong University of Technology's 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Nanchang University


   How much is the tuition of Nanchang University's 2+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Northwestern University


   How much is the tuition of "3+2" study abroad for Sino foreign cooperation in running a school in Northwest University?

Shandong Normal University


   How much is the tuition fee of Shandong Normal University's 3+2 Sino foreign cooperative education?

Xi'an International Studies University


   How much is the tuition fee of Xi'an International Studies University for international 3+1 undergraduate education in Sino foreign cooperation?

Central Academy of Fine Arts

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition fee for the preparatory course of Sino foreign cooperation in running a school at the Central Academy of Fine Arts?

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Preparatory Study

   How much is the tuition fee for the preparatory course of Sino foreign cooperation in running a school in Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology?

Time of application for Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools:

There are two registration times for Chinese foreign cooperative education programs each year: the spring class from November to March of the next year, and the autumn class from April to September of each year.

Chinese foreign cooperative education institutions are suitable for:

1. Senior two students who have finished the examination

2. Senior three students

3. Senior three graduates

4. Junior college students

The above content is a list of tuition fees for Chinese foreign cooperatively run overseas schools. I hope it will be helpful to you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

Recommended reading:

   What are the Chinese foreign cooperative schools for overseas students?

   2+2 What are the popular majors for studying abroad? Recommended by Affiliated College

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Nowadays, studying abroad has become the choice of many students. Among them, the Sino foreign cooperation in running schools for studying abroad projects, the


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