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Can Chinese foreign cooperative education programs be exempted from IELTS admission? (Admission Conditions of Affiliated College)

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 08:30:24, May 5, 2024

   Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad Can the program be exempted from IELTS admission? Whether or not a Chinese foreign cooperative education project is exempt from IELTS admission depends on the specific project and student conditions. Some programs require IELTS scores to measure students' English ability and ensure learning and communication during their study abroad. For other projects, it is decided whether to exempt the IELTS requirements according to other conditions of students, such as academic achievements, interview performance, etc. Students need to ensure that their English level is adequate for their study and life during their study abroad.

 Chinese foreign cooperative education project. jpg

1、 The admission criteria for Chinese foreign cooperative education programs are jointly formulated by the cooperative colleges

Therefore, different programs may have different admission requirements. Some projects may require students to provide IELTS or other international English test scores as a reference for admission, while others may decide whether to exempt the IELTS requirements according to students' other conditions, such as academic scores, interview performance, etc.

2、 Why do some programs require students to provide IELTS scores?

This is mainly because IELTS and other international English tests are widely regarded as an effective way to measure students' English ability. Through these examinations, the school can have a relatively objective understanding of students' English level, so as to ensure that students can study and communicate smoothly during their study abroad.

of course, There are also some Sino foreign cooperative education programs that will consider exemption from IELTS requirements This usually occurs in the following situations:

1. Students have completed courses with high English proficiency in China or other countries, such as some international courses or senior high school courses in English speaking countries. The school believes that these courses are sufficient to prove students' English ability.

2. Students have demonstrated high English communication skills in interviews or other assessments. The school believes that these performances are enough to prove that students can study and communicate successfully during their study abroad.

3. The characteristics of the project itself determine that the requirements for English ability are relatively low. For example, projects in some fields such as art and design may pay more attention to students' creativity and practical ability than their English level.

   Shandong University of Technology 2+2 Project of Studying Abroad Students who have studied full-time in Shandong University of Technology for 2 years and achieved the admission requirements of foreign cooperative universities can continue to study in foreign universities such as Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore for 2 years. After completing their studies, they can obtain a bachelor's degree certificate from foreign universities, which is certified by the Ministry of Education of China and is equivalent to a diploma+degree certificate from domestic universities.

Click to view school project details>> Shandong University of Technology 2+2 Enrolment Guide

   Even if some Sino foreign cooperative education programs are exempted from the IELTS requirements, students still need to ensure that their English level is sufficient to cope with their study and life during their study abroad After all, good English communication ability is an indispensable part of studying abroad.

Click to view more Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools>> Recommended by institutions studying abroad

To sum up, whether the Chinese foreign cooperative education program can be exempted from IELTS admission depends on the specific project requirements and the students' own conditions. If you are interested in a project, it is recommended that you understand the admission requirements of the project in detail and prepare your own application materials fully to show your English ability and other advantages.

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   2+2 What are the popular majors for studying abroad? Recommended by Affiliated College

   What are the Japanese language schools in Sino foreign cooperation in running schools?

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