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2+2 What are the popular majors for studying abroad? Recommended by Affiliated College

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: April 29, 2024 11:17:28

In the context of globalization, the 2+2 study abroad program is increasingly favored by students and parents. This model allows students to complete the first two years of study in China, and then transfer to overseas cooperative universities to complete the remaining two years of study, thus obtaining dual degrees at home and abroad. 2+2 Studying abroad not only provides in-depth academic learning, but also provides students with a broad platform for cross-cultural experience and career development. So, what are the 2+2 hot majors for studying abroad? The following are some popular professional fields, which are worth considering for students who are interested in participating in the 2+2 study abroad program!

 2+2 Popular Major for Studying Abroad. jpg

1、 2+2 What are the popular majors for studying abroad?

   1. Business majors

   Management : Including marketing, human resource management and international business. The curriculum design of these majors focuses on the combination of theory and practice, and graduates have a high employment rate in multinational companies and consulting industries.

   Finance : International finance, investment management and other fields enable students to deeply understand the global economic dynamics and lay a solid foundation for entering the banking, securities and consulting industries.

   accounting : Covering accounting, auditing and financial management, professionals in this field are in steady demand worldwide.

   2. Engineering and science and technology

   Computer Science and Engineering : With the acceleration of the digital process, the demand for relevant professionals continues to grow in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, data science and software engineering.

   Electronic Engineering For example, communication engineering and electrical engineering, which are closely linked to the development of modern science and technology, graduates can find jobs in such fields as telecommunications, the Internet and manufacturing.

In China, such as the 2+2 study abroad program in Chongqing, business majors are particularly popular. For example, the 2+2 international undergraduate program provided by Chongqing Technology and Business University and Southwest University of Political Science and Law covers tourism management, international finance and international accounting. These programs aim to cultivate professionals with an international perspective and provide students with a wider range of employment and further education opportunities.

2、 2+2 Recommendation of overseas universities

Beijing Foreign Studies University

   Beijing International Studies University 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

Central University of Finance and Economics

   Central University of Finance and Economics 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

Communication University of China

   Communication University of China 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

University of International Business and Economics

   Conditions for Application for the Overseas Study Program of the University of International Business and Economics

Beijing University of Technology

   Beijing University of Technology 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

China University of Petroleum

   China University of Petroleum 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

Qingdao University

   Qingdao University 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

Shandong Normal University

   Shandong Normal University 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

Shandong University of Technology

   Shandong University of Technology 2+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

When choosing 2+2 popular majors for studying abroad, students should consider their personal interests, future career planning and the employment market trend of the target country. At the same time, it is also important to understand the ranking, curriculum, internship opportunities and other factors of cooperative universities. Through this mode of studying abroad, students can make full use of domestic and foreign education resources, build their competitive advantages, and pave the way for future career.

Recommended reading:

   Which universities have lower expenses for Sino foreign cooperation in running schools?

   2+2 Is an international undergraduate reliable? What schools are there in China?

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2+2 Recommended major for studying abroad!

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