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 2+2 Diploma of Studying Abroad

2+2 study abroad is an international undergraduate study program. After four years of study, you can obtain a bachelor's degree. However, there is a difference between this diploma and those obtained by undergraduate students studying abroad directly. Now let's introduce the 2+2 overseas study diploma in detail.

2+2 What kind of undergraduate diploma can be obtained after studying abroad?

2+2 Study abroad It can be divided into 2+2 for general enrollment and 2+2 for non general enrollment. The quota of 2+2 for general enrollment of overseas students is set by the Ministry of Education, which occupies the quota of general enrollment of domestic universities. After graduation, students can obtain "double degree" certificates from domestic and foreign universities and domestic undergraduate diplomas. Instead of enrolling 2+2 students to study abroad, they can only obtain degree certificates issued by foreign universities.

Although the diploma of studying abroad without unified enrollment 2+2 is not issued and can only obtain the undergraduate degree certificate of foreign universities, its enrollment conditions are much lower than that of studying abroad with unified enrollment 2+2. Students with excellent scores in the second tier of college entrance examination or English single subject have a high probability of enrollment.

The relatively good 2+2 unified enrollment for studying abroad generally has a score of more than 600 points, and the poor ones also need more than one line.

2+2 What is the difference between the diploma of studying abroad and the diploma of studying abroad directly for undergraduate students?

2+2 study abroad is a credit transfer study abroad program. After graduation certificate certification, there will be two universities, one is the name of domestic universities, and the other is foreign universities. However, only the name of the foreign university can be obtained after the certification of the certificate obtained by the undergraduate directly studying abroad.

Although the contents of the graduation certificate are different after certification, the sample after certification is a unified system, and the educational level is all full-time undergraduate graduates, enjoying the same treatment in China.


The above is the introduction of the 2+2 Diploma for Studying Abroad. If you don't understand anything, please consult the online customer service at the bottom right.

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