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 2+2 Advantages of Studying Abroad

2+2 study abroad is a undergraduate study abroad program. Students study in domestic universities for two years, then apply for a university to cooperate with the project according to their language and professional achievements, and then insert sophomore or junior courses in foreign universities through transfer, and obtain an undergraduate degree from overseas universities after graduation (if you apply for a unified 2+2 study abroad, you can obtain a "double degree" from domestic and foreign universities after graduation). What are the advantages of studying abroad through 2+2?

2+2 Advantages of Studying Abroad I: Low threshold for enrollment

2+2 Study abroad The enrollment is mainly independent, and only some universities have "unified enrollment 2+2", which generally requires more than one level of college entrance examination. The threshold for independent enrollment of the school is very low. Past high school graduates and those with the same educational level can apply. After successful application, they can enter the school as long as they can pass the school entrance examination.

2+2 Advantages of Studying Abroad II: High Success Rate of Studying Abroad Application

2+2 Studying abroad is to study abroad by way of recommendation and transfer from school, so as long as the students' language scores meet the requirements and the average score of domestic 2-year professional courses meet the transfer requirements, they can be admitted to the recommended institutions, which is very suitable for students who failed in the college entrance examination, former high school graduates, and secondary school graduates to study abroad in famous overseas schools.

2+2 Advantages of Studying Abroad 3: Low Risk of Studying Abroad

2+2 The courses studied abroad include comprehensive language courses and professional courses. The teaching materials, syllabus and assessment methods used in these professional courses are consistent with those of foreign universities, and bilingual transitional teaching can enable students to adapt to foreign teaching methods, learning methods and examination modes before studying abroad, so as to reduce the discomfort after studying abroad and improve the success rate of studying abroad.

2+2 Advantages of Studying Abroad 4: High academic qualifications

Most of the universities in the 2+2 study abroad cooperation are good universities in various countries, such as Manchester University, Lancaster University, Birmingham University, University of California, New York University, Emory University, Boston University, Northwestern University, Duke University, University of Toronto, Singapore School of Management, Korea University, Bangkok University, etc. These universities have high international reputation, The gold content of academic qualifications is higher than that of ordinary undergraduate colleges in China, which is more conducive to finding jobs after graduation.

2+2 Advantages of Studying Abroad

2+2 Overseas academic degrees obtained by overseas students can be certified when they return to China. After certification, they can enjoy the same treatment as domestic undergraduate graduates. They can use this degree to obtain employment or take part in the preparation and postgraduate examinations. Of course, they can also apply to foreign graduate schools for further study.


The above is the advantage of 2+2 study abroad. Those who want to apply for the exam, please hurry up.

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