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 Overseas study expenses for Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools

Chinese foreign cooperative education programs mainly focus on 2+2 and 3+2 study abroad. If you want to know the cost of studying abroad in Chinese foreign cooperative education, you still need to see the cost of these two programs during the domestic and foreign study period.

Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools: 2+2 study abroad

Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad The cost is mainly composed of two parts: domestic 2-year cost and foreign 2-year cost. 2+2 Most of the countries studying abroad are Britain, the United States, Australia and Canada. The annual cost of studying abroad in these four countries is about 200000 to 350000 yuan. 2+2 How much money can be saved by studying abroad depends on the domestic 2-year cost.

The cost of domestic 2+2 study abroad is mainly affected by the geographical location of the school and the partner universities. The tuition and accommodation fees for 2+2 study abroad in universities in first tier cities are relatively high. For example, the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2+2 study abroad project is located in Beijing, and the project connects with world famous universities in Britain, the United States, Australia and Canada. The tuition fee is 118000 yuan a year, the accommodation fee is 16800 yuan a year, and the living cost is 150000 yuan a year. If you choose the second and third tier cities, the tuition for studying abroad in 2+2 will be lower. For example, the tuition for studying abroad in Nanchang University in 2+2 is 48000 yuan/year, the accommodation fee is 1000 yuan/year, and the annual comprehensive cost is about 60000 yuan.

Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools: 3+2 study abroad

The domestic tuition of the 3+2 Sino foreign cooperation study abroad project is also affected by the geographical location of the school. The highest tuition of the 3+2 study abroad university is located in Beijing. The tuition is 98000 yuan a year, the accommodation is 10000 to 20000 yuan, and the annual comprehensive cost is about 120000 yuan. The lowest tuition for 3+2 study abroad is Northwest University's 3+2 study abroad. The tuition is 40000 yuan/year, the accommodation is 2400 yuan/year, and the annual comprehensive cost is about 55000 yuan.

3+2 For the part of studying abroad, the project is mainly connected to universities in Britain and Australia. The cost of studying abroad is about 250000~350000 yuan/year, and it will cost about 550000~1000000 yuan to complete the study in five years. If you only read some undergraduate courses, you can control the tuition below 500000 yuan.


The above is the cost of studying abroad for Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools. Since there is no uniform standard for tuition, accommodation and living expenses, all the costs of studying abroad are different. You need to choose the appropriate study abroad project according to the study abroad budget.

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