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How do college students apply for Korean undergraduate study?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-31 14:50:50

With the increasing openness of global education, more and more college graduates choose to study abroad. South Korea, with its high-quality educational resources and unique cultural charm, has become the preferred destination for many students. For college students, they want to go Studying in Korea To study for a bachelor's degree, you need to understand clear application conditions and processes. The following is a detailed guide for college students to apply for Korean undergraduate study.

 Korean Undergraduate Students.jpg

1、 Application conditions

Education requirements: applicants must complete 12 years of formal basic education in China, that is, high school graduates or equivalent. College graduates should be recognized by Korean universities.

Language ability: Generally, applicants for Korean undergraduate courses need to have a certain level of Korean. The undergraduate level usually requires TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) level 3 or above. Some universities also accept English teaching, and may need to provide TOEFL or IELTS scores at this time.

Transcript: provide the transcript of the junior college, which will be used as an important basis for evaluating the applicant's academic ability.

2、 Application process

Select schools and majors: study the curriculum, ranking, geographical location and other factors of Korean universities, and select the most suitable schools and majors.

Preparation materials: including resumes, academic certificates, transcripts, letters of recommendation, language certificates, etc. Some schools may also need personal statements or purpose letters.

Application submission: submit all application materials through online system or mail within the application period specified by the university.

Language test or school examination: If TOPIK scores fail to meet the requirements of the school, you may need to take the Korean school examination of the school.

Interview: Some schools may arrange an interview to further understand the comprehensive quality of applicants.

Waiting for admission notice: After the application is submitted, wait patiently for the school's admission decision, and usually publish the results within weeks to months after the application deadline.

Visa processing: After receiving the admission notice, apply for the D-2 student visa and prepare the air ticket and accommodation arrangements for South Korea.

3、 Precautions

The application time should be advanced, because the preparation of materials and the application process may take several months.

Some universities may have a specific application window. If you miss it, you need to wait for the next round.

Follow up the official website of the school to obtain the latest information, because the application requirements and processes may change.

4、 How can college students apply for Korean undergraduate study abroad?

It is too difficult for junior college students to apply directly for studying in Korea, so they can choose to pass Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad apply. This mode of studying abroad is that domestic universities, in order to cultivate international talents, cooperate with foreign universities and jointly set up courses. Students study in domestic universities for one stage, then transfer to foreign universities to complete the remaining studies, and obtain bachelor's and master's degrees from foreign universities after graduation.

At present, there are many modes of studying abroad in Sino foreign cooperative schools, such as 2+2, 3+2, 3+1 Preparatory Study Etc.

Click to view Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools for overseas students>> Recommended by institutions studying abroad

In general, college students need to be fully prepared and planned to apply for Korean undergraduate study. By understanding and following the above steps, college graduates have the opportunity to start a new learning journey in Korea and further improve their academic and career prospects.

Recommended reading:

   Guide to Time Planning for Korean Undergraduate Student Application

   Inventory of China South Korea Cooperative College

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