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How good is Dongguo University for studying in Korea?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-28 13:08:11

South Korea has abundant educational resources, so many students go there every year Studying in Korea In particular, Dongkuo University in South Korea is very popular among students. So, how good is Dongguo University, where South Korea studies abroad? This article gives you an introduction!

 How good is Dongguo University for studying in Korea?

1、 University Introduction

Dongguk University, located in Seoul, is a private comprehensive research university founded by the Korean Buddhist sect Cao Xizong.

Dongguo University was founded in 1906. Its predecessor was Mingjin School, which was established for the purpose of "saving the nation through education". There are 13 single subject universities and 11 graduate schools.

2024QS ranks 481 in the world, ranking among the world's top 500 schools all the year round, and can apply to settle in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

The Seoul Campus is located on the slope of Nanshan Park, Central District, Seoul, overlooking the whole urban area of Seoul. As the campus is located in the forest of Nanshan Park, away from the noise and noise of urban people, it creates an ideal ivory tower.

2、 Strong discipline

1. Mandarin

Cradle of Korean Representative Literati

Poetry: Han Longyun, Xu Tingzhu, Zhao Zhixun, Shen Genglin, etc

Novels: Guo Xiaxin, Li Fanxuan, Zhao Tinglai, Huang Xiying, etc

The Department of Chinese Language and Culture has received 1.8 billion won in four years since 2009. Dongguk University's "Undertaking Group for Inheriting Korean Literature and Cultivating Translation Talents" won the best evaluation in the field of Korean literature and was selected as BK21 business partner.

2. Computer

For the first time, Korean colleges and universities have obtained the certification of engineering education, and launched the NEXT cause of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

The Department of Computer Engineering and the Department of Information and Communication Engineering were selected by the Ministry of Education and Science as the pilot universities of the industry university cooperation center. Based on IT, they developed and popularized cultural content technology. In five years, they received 15 billion won of support.

The institutions under the Academy of Nano Information Science and Technology: Quantum Skills Semiconductor Research Center, Millimeter Wave New Technology Center and the ubiquitous logistics management research center.

3. Film and television media

Provide the best "fountainhead technology" in South Korea in the field of film, television and drama (Dongguo University students who promote "Korean Wave").

Dongguk University School of Photography is one of the first graduate schools in Asia to obtain MFA (Master of Arts) qualification. Its scale is one of the most comprehensive disciplines, the most complete system, and the most advanced facilities in Korean universities.

Dongguk University has carried out billions of scale industry university cooperation with Gyeongsangnamdo (KRW 5 billion), IHQ (KRW 4.5 billion), Dorothy (KRW 6 billion), etc. to build a "Zhongwu Road Cluster" centered on Zhongwu Road Image Center.

Affiliated institutions of the Film Television Cultural Industry Research Institute: Cultural Industry Development Center, Video Media Center, Computer Game Research Center, Advertising Research Center and Performing Arts Center.

4. Business

It implements common and minor degrees with the State University of New York at Stony Brook and the University of Texas at Dallas, and jointly operates the real-time network lecture system with the University of Southern California.

MBA Programs: General MBA/CO-MBA

CO-MBA (Culture Oriented MBA): courses for managers of cultural and entertainment industry

3、 How to apply for students with poor performance?

   Students with poor performance can choose to pass Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad apply. This mode of studying abroad is based on the mode of "domestic university+foreign university", with loose application conditions, low cost and higher cost performance. At present, many domestic universities have set up Sino foreign cooperative education projects, such as Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing University of Technology, Central University of Finance and Economics, etc.

Click to view domestic colleges and universities offering joint projects>> Recommended by Korean institutions studying abroad

Columbia University in New York City is one of the most famous private universities in the United States. It ranks among the top ten in business, law, medicine, natural science and other disciplines in the world. In addition, Columbia University will increase the number of foreign students every year, which is a good choice for those who want to apply for Columbia University.

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