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 Advantages and disadvantages of studying in South Korea
brief introduction Introduction

South Korea has now entered the list of developed countries. In recent years, South Korean universities have performed well in the QS TIMEs world university rankings. In addition, the scholarship policy of the Ministry of Education of South Korea for foreign students has set off a craze for South Korean students in China. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in South Korea?

Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad in South Korea: advantages

1. Close to China, with little cultural difference

It only takes more than 3 hours to fly from China to South Korea. It is convenient and fast to go back and forth, and visa processing is easy. At the same time, due to the historical institutions and the small differences between Korean culture and China, students are easy to adapt and the risk of studying abroad is small.

1. Low application threshold and high success rate

Meet the requirements of 12 years of formal education. Students who graduated from general high school, technical secondary school or vocational high school can apply for the language courses of Korean universities, i.e. language schools, without college entrance examination scores or Korean foundation, and then successfully study the undergraduate courses of Korean first-class universities.

3. Low amount of guarantee for studying abroad

The guarantee fund for studying abroad should be provided. The guarantee fund for studying abroad in Britain, the United States, Australia and Canada is high, 300000 to 500000 yuan, but Studying in Korea The guarantee fund is low. Generally speaking, the regular guarantee fund for language schools is more than 10000 dollars, and that for professional courses is more than 20000 dollars.

4. High checkout rate

The policy of South Korea towards foreign students is very loose. There is no face to face link. The visa procedures for studying abroad are convenient, the processing cycle is short, and the visa acquisition rate is high. The examiners examine the applicants' learning ability and economic ability.

5. High employment rate

South Korea has long been China's trade partner. There are many Korean enterprises and Sino Korean joint ventures in China. There is a large demand for talents who are proficient in both Chinese and Korean languages, and their salaries are high.

Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad in South Korea: disadvantages

1. South Korea's high salary makes it easy to lose the original intention

The hourly wage of Korean workers is relatively high, especially in Seoul. As a result, many overseas students have gone farther and farther on the road of purchasing on behalf of others and skipping classes to work, forgetting their original intention, losing watermelons and picking up sesame seeds.

2. Low educational background

Although some South Korean universities are rising in the world university rankings, graduating from the most famous universities in various countries is more promising. But Seoul University, ranked first in South Korea, has high application conditions. Although the application conditions of other colleges and universities are low, the degree recognition and gold content are not as high as those of Seoul University.


These are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in South Korea. In general, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Studying in South Korea is worth considering.

Advantages and disadvantages of studying in South Korea Hot News

Online Consultation on Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying in Korea

  • * Student Name:
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  •   Intended major:
  •   Countries of interest:
Language score (if any):
  • Japanese/Korean
  Budget for studying abroad (one year):
  • Less than 50000
  • 50000-100000
  • 150000-200000
  • 200000~300000
  • More than 300000

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