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How much does it cost to study in Korea for one year?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: April 4, 2024 08:30:23

Compared with the high cost of studying abroad in mainstream European and American countries, South Korea is the first choice for working class families to study abroad. In recent years Studying in Korea The number of students is also growing rapidly, because South Korea not only has world-class education, but also has a low cost of studying abroad. It is said that the cost of studying in South Korea is low. What is the cost of studying in South Korea for one year? This article introduces the following!


1、 List of expenses for studying in Korea

Tuition fees of Korean universities:

  ① Tuition of Korean Language Institute

The tuition fees of each college are different, but most of them are between 1.2 million and 1.6 million Korean won a semester, or about 7000 to 8000 yuan. Every semester, students who have achieved particularly good results will be rewarded with 500 to 2000 yuan.

Of course, not everyone has to go to the language school. Some university majors have Korean courses or do not have Korean requirements, so they do not need to go to the language school.

   ② University tuition in Korea

Generally, the annual tuition of Korean public universities is about 20000 yuan, while that of private universities is between 30000 yuan and 45000 yuan, while that of Seoul is slightly more expensive. However, in order to attract international students, South Korea has specially formulated a policy of tuition fee exemption. Scholarships will be awarded according to the performance, and 30%, 50% or even all of the tuition fees can be exempted.

Most Korean universities have such policies. Of course, the premise is that you should not be lazy and study hard.

   ③ Korean graduate tuition

Postgraduate tuition is slightly more expensive than undergraduate tuition. But there are also generous scholarships. These policies will be written in the enrollment brochure, and you can refer to them to choose schools. And if your professor has a research topic, you can get a certain subsidy from the professor every semester. For ordinary science students, there are many opportunities.

PS: Different from the academic system of Chinese universities, the academic system of South Korea is more flexible. Generally, you can graduate from the college in 1-2 years, and you can graduate from the master's program in 2 years. Therefore, compared with the three or four years of study in China, South Korea has a shorter school system, which also reduces the cost of tuition for international students.

Living expenses for studying in Korea:

The cost of living will vary greatly depending on the region. Seoul, of course, is the place with the highest prices. Prices in other places can be slightly lower.

If the rent, water and electricity are not included, be diligent and thrifty. The monthly living cost in Seoul is about 500000~600000 won. The rent is about 300000 to 500000 won a month, and the water, electricity and network fees are about 50000 to 60000 won a month. If it is shared, it will save a lot.

The cost of living in South Korea is different due to the difference in price and personal consumption level. The annual cost of living is about 20000 to 40000 yuan.

Income from part-time jobs in Korea:

After coming to South Korea, it is absolutely necessary to work. One is to exercise oneself, and the other is to subsidize household expenses. List the common places and expenses for Korean students to work:

Ordinary hotel: 7500~8000 won per hour;

Convenience store: about 7500 won per hour;

Flyer: 7000 to 8000 won per hour;

Tutoring: It is a job that every foreign student likes, 10000~20000 Korean won per hour, but it can only be taught several times a week, about two hours at a time;

Guide and translator: If Korean is good, you can translate for people who come to South Korea to play or work. Generally, the daily salary is more than 100000 won.

In fact, if you go to school and work for 4 to 6 hours a day, about 5000 to 12000 yuan a month, you can basically pay for your own living expenses.

2、 Tips for saving money when studying in Korea

1. Tuition

As we all know, the tuition of public universities is much lower than that of private universities, and the tuition of schools in Seoul is higher than that of local universities. Today I mainly talk about the scholarship policy. Generally, scholarships are given according to the language scores when entering the school. The proportion of scholarships in different schools is 30% - 100%, so you must study hard when you are in the language school! The rest of the semester is based on the academic performance, which can reduce the tuition to a certain extent.

2. Teaching material cost

The tuition fees of Korean schools do not include book fees, which are particularly expensive in Korea. It is recommended to buy second-hand ones. Besides the cheap price, there may be some key notes. Others can find electronic versions on the Internet and print them by themselves. Many domestic students also bought and brought them home.

3. Telephone charges

Mobile phones in South Korea are still expensive, but most places have wireless, and now it seems that they don't often make calls, and they use WeChat or kakoo and other software. We recommend that you choose a lower consumption package, or a paid package. You can choose special software for international calls, which will cost much less.

4. Transportation expenses

Transportation costs also account for a large proportion of living expenses. Taxi fees in South Korea are very high. It is suggested that people should not take black taxis - model taxis are expensive, and public transportation is relatively convenient, such as buses and subways, which can be converted into about 7 yuan each time. Most importantly, South Korean buses and subways can transfer to each other free of charge within 30 minutes, so that it will not cost money to change routes within 30 minutes.

5. Meal

The consumption of the school restaurant is still very low, and the general meal fee ranges from 3500 to 5000 won. There are also many money saving tips in life, such as going to the food market to buy food, which is much cheaper than the supermarket. Generally, there are fruit and vegetable stores in the living quarters, and the prices are also very cheap. Large supermarkets in South Korea have large discount activities, and they also have special discounts at night, which is very cost-effective. Students who want to study in Korea+V18500316552

6. Scorecard

Cosmetics shops are the most popular on the streets of South Korea. Fairies who like to buy must apply for a point card, and points can be used as cash to buy things. And every store will have a discount, and many common brands will have a buy one get one free activity.

In a word, the first priority for students to go to South Korea is to study hard, be frugal when going out, and take care of yourself.

   3、 How can I apply for studying in Korea if my grades are not ideal?

  For students with poor performance, it is difficult to apply directly, so they can choose to pass Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad apply.

Admissions school Study abroad mode student recruitment brochure
Beijing Foreign Studies University Undergraduate Prep, 2+2, Master Prep, 2+3 Admission details>>
Central University of Finance and Economics 3+2、2+2 Admission details>>
China University of Petroleum 2+2, 3+2, Undergraduate Foundation Admission details>>
University of International Business and Economics 3+2. Undergraduate Foundation Admission details>>
Communication University of China Undergraduate Prep, 2+2, Master Prep Admission details>>
Central Academy of Fine Arts Undergraduate Foundation, 2+2 Admission details>>
Beijing Language and Culture University Undergraduate Foundation, 2+2 Admission details>>
Beijing International Studies University 3+2. Undergraduate Foundation Admission details>>
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Undergraduate Foundation, 2+2 Admission details>>
Beijing University of Technology 3+2, 2+2, undergraduate preparatory Admission details>>
Dalian International Studies University 3+2 Admission details>>
Nanchang University 2+2 Admission details>>
Northwestern University Undergraduate Prep, 3+2, Master Prep Admission details>>
Xi'an International Studies University 2+2, 3+1, Undergraduate Foundation, Master Foundation Admission details>>
Shandong Normal University 2+2、3+2 Admission details>>
Shandong University of Technology Undergraduate Foundation, 2+2 Admission details>>
Qingdao University 2+2, Undergraduate Foundation, 3+2 Admission details>>
University of Electronic Science and Technology 3+2, Pre master, Pre undergraduate, 2+2 Admission details>>
Jinan University Undergraduate Foundation, 3+2, 2+2 Admission details>>
Wenzhou University 3+2 Admission details>>

The above content is to introduce how much it costs to study in South Korea for one year? I hope it can help you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

     Recommended reading:

   How to apply to Korean universities? What are the ways?

   How about applying to study in Korea for Sino foreign cooperative education?

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