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How much is the application fee for studying in Korea?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-03-03 08:35:46

South Korea has a traditional culture, high cost performance and low cost of studying abroad, which is affordable for students from working families. But for international students, the application fee is an inevitable problem. So, how much is the application fee for studying in Korea? This article gives you an introduction!

 Application fee for studying in Korea

1、 Application fee for studying in Korea

1. Examination fee

The IK transcript that needs to be shown is that you need to take an exam to get it. Most students need to receive training before the exam. The training costs about 5000 yuan, while the exam fee only costs about 200 yuan. There will be two examinations every year.

2. Notarial fee

The academic materials prepared by everyone, including certificates and transcripts, need to be notarized before they can be recognized by the school. Moreover, because ordinary students do not just go to one school, the price of all the materials and copies is about 1000 yuan.

3. Passport fee

The passport needs to be handled as soon as possible, because there is no time limit. You just need to find a free time and go to the relevant departments on weekdays. The material preparation is very simple, and the procedures are also very convenient. You can basically get the passport the next day.

4. Application fee

After you have submitted the application of schools and majors, you need to pay an application fee to the school to pay for the resource consumption caused by the review. The fees charged by different schools are different, but generally you can apply for at least three schools for 500-2500 yuan.

5. Physical examination fee

The visa application also requires physical examination. You need to go to the embassy to confirm the nearest cooperation hospital, and go directly after making an appointment. The inspection items are fixed. You can follow the requirements and procedures, and the general cost is about 500 yuan.

6. Service charge

To formally submit the visa application, you need to prepare and submit materials as required. After the interview and review, you need to enter your personal information to ensure that you are qualified. Finally, you need to pay a handling fee of 600-800 yuan for the review and application.

7. Air ticket fee

When you leave for South Korea, you usually choose a plane. You can directly inquire online. Because the distance is not far, there are many flights, and the price is not expensive, the one-way price is basically between 3000-5000 yuan, and there will be a discount if you buy early.

2、 How can I apply for studying in Korea if my grades are not ideal?

For students with poor performance, it is very difficult to apply directly, so they can choose to pass Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad Apply for studying in Korea. Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad is a course jointly offered by domestic and foreign universities recognized by the Ministry of Education. The length of schooling includes 2+2, 3+1, 3+2, preparatory courses, etc.

school Enrollment brochure (click to view ⬇)
Communication University of China Communication University of China Korea International Preparatory Education Program Enrollment Brochure
Beijing Foreign Studies University Beijing International Studies University Korean Preparatory Admission Brochure
Beijing Language and Culture University Beijing Language and Culture University International Undergraduate Course Enrollment Guide of 1+4 Universities in South Korea
University of International Business and Economics University of International Business and Economics South Korea Preparatory Study 1+4 Direct Recording Class Admission Brochure
University of Electronic Science and Technology University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Korea Preparatory Program
Shandong University of Technology Shandong University of Science and Technology South Korea Preparatory Admission Brochure
Northwestern University Enrolment Guide of Northwestern University's Korean Undergraduate Direct Course
Xi'an International Studies University Enrollment Guide of Xi'an International Studies University for Korean Undergraduate and Master Studies
Enrollment Guide of Xi'an International Studies University Yousong University
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Enrollment Guide of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology for Korean Preparatory Students
Beijing International Studies University Beijing International Studies University Korean Preparatory Admission Guide

The above content is to introduce how much the application fee for studying in Korea is? I hope it can help you! At present, the school is in the process of enrollment, and interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

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   Enrollment Guide for Studying Abroad

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