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What are the 3+2 Sino foreign joint schools recognized by the state?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: April 23, 2024 16:00:01

Sino foreign joint venture 3+2 Study abroad It is also a combination of undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Students study in domestic universities for three years, and then transfer to foreign cooperative universities for two years. After graduation, they obtain bachelor's and master's degrees from foreign cooperative universities. This article introduces to you which Chinese foreign joint 3+2 study abroad schools are recognized by the state?

 Chinese foreign joint 3+2 study abroad

National recognized Sino foreign joint 3+2 schools for studying abroad:

school student recruitment brochure

Central University of Finance and Economics

   Central University of Finance and Economics 3+2 Overseas Student Recruitment Brochure

Beijing University of Technology

   Beijing Institute of Technology Hong Kong International Undergraduate 2+3 Program Enrollment Guide

Dalian International Studies University

   Dalian International Studies University 3+2 Enrolment Guide

University of Electronic Science and Technology

   University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 3+2 Enrolment Guide

Beijing International Studies University

   Beijing International Studies University 3+2 Study Abroad (SQA3+1+1) Admission Guide

China University of Petroleum

   China University of Petroleum 3+2 Enrolment Guide

Jinan University

   Jinan University 3+2 Enrolment Guide

Beijing University of Technology

   Beijing University of Technology 3+2 Enrolment Guide

Wenzhou University

   3+2 Enrolment Guide of Wenzhou University

Qingdao University

   Qingdao University 3+2 Enrollment Guide

Shandong Normal University

   Shandong Normal University 3+2 Enrolment Guide

Northwestern University

   Northwest University 3+2 Enrolment Guide

University of Electronic Science and Technology

   University of Electronic Science and Technology of China International Credit Program of Engineering Business

Beijing Language and Culture University

   Beijing Language and Culture University International Undergraduate Course Russian/Belarus 3+2 Enrollment Guide

Advantages of Sino foreign joint 3+2 study abroad:

1. Low entry threshold

New high school graduates and those with the same educational background can apply for the 3+2 study abroad program. Students only need to achieve college entrance examination scores above the undergraduate grade line, or pass the entrance test organized by the school to successfully enroll.

2. Save money for studying abroad

Compared with the high cost of direct application for study abroad, the students of this program can save about 400000 study abroad costs due to their three years of study in China. The treatment enjoyed by students during their stay in domestic colleges and universities is exactly the same as the unified enrollment of the school.

3. The degree is highly valuable

The degree obtained by students after graduation is very valuable, which is exactly the same as that of local students abroad. After returning home, students can also log on to the overseas study service government platform for online academic certification.

4. Long buffer period for studying abroad

Students in this program have a three-year study abroad buffer period and can adapt to the teaching mode of foreign universities in advance. It is a good opportunity for those students whose comprehensive performance foundation is not ideal to improve their personal comprehensive competitiveness and academic performance.

The above content is to introduce to you which Chinese foreign joint 3+2 study abroad schools are recognized by the state? I hope it can help you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

Recommended reading:

   How about studying abroad for 3+2 master degree?

   3+2 What is the academic degree after graduation from the joint study of bachelor and master?

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