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 3+2 Diploma Certification for Studying Abroad
brief introduction Introduction

The "3+2" study abroad program is an undergraduate and postgraduate study abroad program. After completing all courses, you can obtain a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from foreign universities. These two degrees are recognized abroad. After going through overseas academic certification after returning home, they are recognized by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, and can be checked online. Employment and examination preparation are unimpeded. So, how to certify the 3+2 degree of study abroad?

3+2 Certificate Authority for Studying Abroad

All diplomas obtained abroad must be certified at the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education for development in China, 3+2 Study abroad Project graduates are the same. Only certified overseas education can be found on the website of the Overseas Study Service Center.

3+2 Overseas Education Certification Process

With the coverage of the Internet in the Chinese government business, now the diploma certification has been handled, and "zero errands and zero queues" have been achieved. After graduation, students only need to prepare electronic scanning materials related to certification, log in the online office hall of the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education of China, register an account, upload all certification materials according to the steps prompted by the application certification system, pay certification fees, and submit them for review.

The materials required for certification include: graduation certificate, passport, personal photo (recent photo), transcript, foreign language certificate filled in and signed according to the requirements of the Retention Service Center, verification authorization statement and electronic scanning copies of some supplementary materials.

Certification fee: 360 yuan/piece

Time required for certification: It takes about 15 working days to get the results. During this period, you can log in to the certification system of the Overseas Study Service Center website at any time to query the certification results.

The certified "3+2" overseas education background can provide employment welfare policies in most of the first tier and second tier cities in China, such as point settlement, duty-free car purchase, children's education, etc.


The above information is about the certification of 3+2 study abroad qualifications. From the certification of qualifications, it can be judged that 3+2 study abroad is worth applying for the exam. At present, 3+2 overseas universities in China are recruiting students. Those who want to apply for the exam, please hurry up to apply.

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