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 3+2 Study abroad application countries

3+2 study abroad is an undergraduate and postgraduate study abroad program. Since the program was introduced into China earlier, many universities now have this program. Different schools have different overseas resources, so there are differences in countries studying abroad. Let's take a closer look at the countries applying for 3+2 study abroad.

Mainstream country of studying abroad: Britain

3+2 Study abroad It was introduced from the UK by the Ministry of Education, so only the UK was the first country to study in 3+2. Students who choose to study in the UK generally have more institutions to choose from, such as Manchester University, Leeds University, Southampton University and Durham University, which are better universities in the UK, have cooperated with the project.

Second, Australia

Australia's higher education is greatly influenced by the United Kingdom, and its undergraduate and master education systems are basically the same as those of British universities. Therefore, there are relatively many Australian universities cooperating in the 3+2 study abroad program, and students generally can choose from Australia's five-star and four-star universities such as Monash University and the University of Queensland.

Then, European and American countries

Although the 3+2 study abroad system is not consistent with the undergraduate and master education system in the United States, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and other European and American countries, students can still apply to some universities in these countries to study abroad, but there are fewer schools to choose from, and the ranking is relatively low.

Finally, a small number of Asian universities

There are a few Asian countries among the 3+2 countries studying abroad, such as the Malaysian University of Technology and the Malaysian University of Science and Technology, so you can apply for studying in Malaysia. However, not all 3+2 universities have cooperation with the University of Malaysia, and students need to choose specific schools to apply for the exam, such as Capital Normal University for 3+2 study abroad, and Beijing University of Technology for 3+2 study abroad.


The above is the 3+2 study abroad countries. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to know about 3+2 study abroad!

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