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 3+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

3+2 study abroad is a 3+1+1 continuous undergraduate and postgraduate study abroad program. A bachelor's degree from a foreign university can be obtained after four years of graduation, and a master's degree from a foreign university can be obtained after five years of graduation. It has the advantages of short study abroad time and low study abroad costs. Is the application condition high for such a good study abroad program?

3+2 Study abroad It is a 3+1+1 continuous undergraduate and postgraduate study abroad program. After four years of graduation, you can obtain a bachelor's degree from a foreign university, and after five years of study, you can obtain a master's degree from a foreign university. It has the advantages of short study abroad time and low study abroad costs. Is the application condition high for such a good study abroad program?

3+2 Conditions for Studying Abroad

1. Education background: must have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be a general high school, vocational high school, international high school, technical secondary school diploma recognized by the Ministry of Education;

2. Language: 3+2 At present, studying abroad is mainly connected to countries in the English speaking region, mainly the UK, so applicants must have a good foundation in English, with a good score of more than 90 points in the usual English exam;

3. Economic ability: 3+2 domestic tuition of studying abroad is 400~98000 yuan/year, and with accommodation and living expenses, it is about 55~130 thousand yuan/year; Studying abroad for two years will cost about 250000 to 350000 yuan per year, and finishing 3+2 study will cost about 670000 to 1090000 yuan. Students who can bear the total expenses of studying abroad in this area can consider applying for 3+2 study abroad.

4. Age: It is better not to miss the maximum age limit for studying abroad for undergraduates.

Suitable for people

According to the 3+2 study abroad application conditions, it can be determined that 3+2 study abroad is more suitable for former senior high school graduates and those with the same educational background who generally want to study abroad.


Students who meet the 3+2 application conditions for studying abroad can apply to Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing University of Technology, Capital Normal University, Foreign Affairs College, Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, Qingdao University, China University of Petroleum, Jinan University, Shandong Normal University, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Northwest University, Wenzhou University, etc.

Application time: all year round. Apply from April to October and enter in September; Apply from November to March of the next year, and enroll in March.

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