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When is the application time for studying abroad in the Communication University of China?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 12:00:41, April 29, 2024

   Communication University of China Studying Abroad The project provides students with rich opportunities to study abroad, combining the domestic high-quality educational resources with the academic advantages of well-known overseas universities. However, for candidates who are interested in participating in this project, it is important to know the exact registration time. So, when is the application time for studying abroad in the Communication University of China? This article gives you an introduction!

 Time of application for studying abroad in a Sino foreign cooperative school of Communication University of China.jpg

Usually, Communication University of China Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad The registration time of the project will be announced in advance on the school's official website or relevant announcements. For example, it is mentioned in the independent enrollment brochure for foreign master's degree graduates in 2023 that registration is conducted through the "Examination Registration System for Foreign Master's Degree Postgraduates in Communication University of China's Sino foreign Cooperation School", and registration information needs to be filled in and submitted online. This shows that the registration process is online and has a clear time window.

It is worth noting that the specific registration period may vary depending on the year and project. Generally speaking, the registration time may be concentrated in the spring and autumn of each year, especially for the projects entering in autumn. The registration is usually conducted from the end of the previous year to the spring of that year.

   Spring class: From November to March every year

   Fall class: From April to September every year

In addition, during the registration process, students need to prepare and upload Chinese and English application materials as required. After completing the preliminary review, they will usually receive the review results within 3-5 working days. This process needs to be fully prepared in advance, including the collection and translation of necessary academic and personal documents, to ensure that all steps are completed within the specified time.

   Communication University of China's mode of studying abroad through Sino foreign cooperation in running schools:





   Communication University of China Korea International Preparatory Program Enrollment Brochure

   Communication University of China DAP International Undergraduate Program Admission Brochure

   Communication University of China Art and Design Preparatory Admission Brochure

   Communication University of China Film and Television Production and Performance Major Pre study Admission Brochure

   Communication University of China Media and Communication Major Pre study Admission Brochure

   Communication University of China Creative Industry Major Pre study Admission Brochure

   Introduction to Admission of Animation and Digital Media Major of Communication University of China

   Introduction to Admission of Music and Recording Arts Major of Communication University of China

   Communication University of China Southeast Asia 2+2 Enrollment Guide

   Communication University of China Singapore International University Orientation Class

In general, a good grasp of the application time for studying abroad in the Communication University of China's Sino foreign cooperation school is crucial to the successful application. It is suggested that interested candidates regularly check the notice issued by the official channel of the school, so as to obtain accurate registration information at the first time, so as to successfully start their overseas study trip.

Recommended reading:

   How much is the tuition for the preparatory course of Sino foreign cooperative education of Communication University of China?

   What is the score line of Communication University of China for studying abroad in 2024?

Online application for studying abroad of Communication University of China

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Communication University of China International Undergraduate Course 2+2

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What are the enrollment majors of Communication University of China's 2+2 overseas study program?

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Communication University of China 2+2 Enrollment Brochure for Overseas Students in 2024

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What is the 2+2 international undergraduate admission score of Communication University of China in 2024?

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