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Can Beijing International Studies University apply for studying in the UK without IELTS?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-05-13 15:07:09

   Beijing International Studies University In cooperation with British universities, there are two modes of studying abroad: 2+2 and 3+1, which can be promoted to many famous British universities and attract many students. So, can you apply for studying in the UK through Beijing International Studies University without IELTS? This article gives you an introduction!

 Beijing International Studies University applies for studying in the UK. jpg

1、 Beijing International Studies University Application Studying in the UK pattern

1+3: Students who have studied in our university for one year as a preparatory course (the scores of EAP English courses can be used to apply for foreign universities as language scores instead of IELTS), successfully completed their studies and passed the examinations of all courses, and then applied for a three-year undergraduate course in a foreign cooperative university according to their scores. After completing their studies, they can obtain a bachelor's degree from a foreign university.

2+2: Students who have studied in our university for two years in the preparatory and international freshman courses (the scores of EAP English courses can replace IELTS as a language score to apply for foreign universities), successfully completed their studies and passed the examinations of all courses, then applied for transfer to foreign cooperative universities for two years of undergraduate courses according to their scores, and after completing their studies, they can obtain a bachelor's degree from foreign universities.

2、 Can Beijing International Studies University apply for studying in the UK without IELTS?

Of course, at present, there are many cooperation between the international famous school EAP of Beijing International Studies University and British universities, so I suggest that students who want to study in the UK but do not want to take the IELTS test can choose this program.

Some students may have questions. Without the pressure of IELTS test, can my English scores be improved? Don't worry, the EAP free IELTS promotion class in Beijing International Studies University, a famous international school, adopts the English teaching mode. The teachers are mainly foreign teachers, which can provide a good language environment for students.

3、 Beijing International Studies University applies to the UK Cooperation University

The 1+3 mode of study abroad can be applied to British schools: Manchester University, Bristol University, Sheffield University, Leeds University, Birmingham University, Exeter University, Durham University, Lancaster University, Cardiff University, Kent University, Aston University, Kingston University, Queen Mary University in London, etc.

The 2+2 mode of study abroad can be applied to British schools: Bristol University, Sheffield University, Leeds University, Huddersfield University, Sheffield Hallam University, Liverpool John Moores University, Bradford University, Manchester City University, Salford University, Leeds Metropolitan University, etc.

Click to view the school enrollment details>> Enrollment Guide of Beijing Foreign Studies University International Famous School EAP Free IELTS Direct Promotion Class (Undergraduate 2+2/1+3)

The above content is to introduce to you that Beijing International Studies University can apply for studying in the UK without IELTS? I hope it can help you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

Recommended reading:

   Beijing International Studies University Korean Preparatory Admission Brochure

   Tuition and admission conditions of Beijing International Studies University's pre study program in London

Beijing International Studies University Online Application for Studying Abroad

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