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How much is the tuition fee for applying for Sino foreign cooperation in running a school in Beijing International Studies University in 2024?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-06-25 16:39:39

   Beijing International Studies University There are many modes of studying abroad in Sino foreign cooperative school running projects, such as 1+3, 3+2, preparatory courses, etc. The two stages of study are domestic universities and foreign universities. After students complete one stage of study in domestic universities, they transfer to foreign universities to complete the rest of their studies. However, tuition is of great concern. This article will introduce to you how much is the tuition fee for applying for Sino foreign cooperation in running a school in Beijing International Studies University in 2024? For your reference!

 Tuition fees for Sino foreign cooperation in running schools at Beijing International Studies University.jpg

2024 Beijing International Studies University Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools The tuition for enrollment varies with the educational system. As follows:

   See the enrollment brochures of each project of the school for details

College Admission Brochure Study abroad mode tuition
Beijing International Studies University 3+2 Study Abroad (SQA3+1+1) Admission Guide 3+2 78000 yuan/year
Enrollment Guide of Beijing International Studies University 1+4 64800 yuan/year
Beijing International Studies University German Preparatory Admission Brochure 1+3 79800 yuan/year
Beijing International Studies University Korean Preparatory Admission Guide 1+4 49800 yuan/year
Enrollment Guide of Beijing International Studies University for Italian Preparatory Studies 1+3 79800 yuan/year
Enrollment Guide of Orientation Class for Freshman Courses of Beijing International Studies University 1+4 140000 yuan/year
Introduction to Undergraduate Preparatory Program of Beijing International Studies University 1+3 15900 yuan/year

Click to view more school fees>>Sino foreign cooperation in running schools Enrollment Guide for Studying Abroad

The above content is to introduce to you how much is the tuition fee for applying for Sino foreign cooperation in running a school in Beijing International Studies University in 2024? I hope it can help you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

Recommended reading:

   What are the advantages of Beijing International Studies University's preparatory study in Japan in 2024?

   Which world famous universities can Beijing International Studies University apply for?

Beijing International Studies University Online Registration for Studying Abroad

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two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

How much is the tuition fee for applying for Sino foreign cooperation in running a school in Beijing International Studies University in 2024?

Beijing International Studies University has many modes of studying abroad, such as 1+3, 3+2, preparatory courses, etc. However, tuition is of great concern. The tuition fees for applying for Sino foreign cooperation in running schools at Beijing International Studies University are different due to different educational systems


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

What are the advantages of Beijing International Studies University's preparatory study in Japan in 2024?

The preparatory program for studying in Japan of Beijing International Studies University has a duration of 1+4. According to the requirements of the Japanese Entry Administration, students need to study Japanese for a certain period of time in their home country before studying in Japan, and can apply for studying in Japan only after their language level reaches the qualified standard. Under the demand of this situation, the college provides students at different levels with access to Japan. Our school has set up preparatory courses for studying in Japan to provide high-quality channels for students at different levels to study in Japan


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

What is the fee for the preparatory course for studying in Korea of Beijing International Studies University in 2024? What majors can I apply for?

Beijing International Studies University has set up a South Korean preparatory course for students of different levels who are ready to study in South Korea. If they pass the examination, they can apply for admission to Korean universities for undergraduate courses


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

Which world famous universities can Beijing International Studies University apply for?

Beijing International Studies University is a preparatory course with a length of 1+3. Students can learn the contents, evaluation criteria, learning methods, admission conditions, and how to choose majors of the degree courses of British and Australian universities in advance


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

What are the advantages of the Japanese Preparatory Program of Beijing International Studies University?

Beijing International Studies University has many advantages in the preparatory program for studying in Japan, and the length of schooling is 1+4. According to the requirements of the Japan Entry Administration, students need to study Japanese for a certain period of time in their home country before studying in Japan, and can apply for studying in Japan only after their language level reaches the qualified standard


two thousand and twenty-four point zero six

What is the undergraduate preparatory fee of Beijing International Studies University?

Beijing International Studies University (BISU) is an undergraduate preparatory course of a famous British school, with a length of schooling of 1+3, a diploma from a famous school, and academic certification. It can easily open up the recruitment channels of state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, and top 500 enterprises, and open up high-end career

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