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What are the requirements for applying for Canada master's degree in 2024?

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2024-06-02 08:36:56

   Studying in Canada It has always been very popular, and Canada, as a neighbor of the United States, is also convenient to work and study after graduation. So, what are the conditions for applying for studying in Canada for master's degree in 2024? This article gives you an introduction!

 Canada Master Application Conditions!

1、 What are the requirements for applying for Canada master's degree in 2024?

1. Undergraduate achievements

The professional achievements of applicants in domestic universities are one of the important bases for admission assessment. Applicants must have relevant undergraduate background. In addition to MBA and MED, almost all Canadian master's programs require applicants to have a relevant undergraduate background. The average score must be at least 75%

In addition to the average score, some professional master programs pay more attention to the professional performance of applicants. If the average total score of the applicant is less than 75, but the professional score is more than 85, the applicant may still be admitted.

2. English scores

Excellent TOEFL or IELTS scores are almost a prerequisite for applying to Canadian universities. The lower language requirements for a Canadian master's degree are IELTS 6.5 and TOEFL 80 or higher. Some majors have higher requirements. For applicants whose language scores do not meet the requirements of the school or do not have language scores, some schools can participate in the school's internal language test. If they pass, they will be exempted from TOEFL or IELTS scores.

3. Preparation of application documents

Another very important part of applying for a master's degree is the preparation of application documents. It mainly includes: resume, 2-3 letters of recommendation, personal statement and thesis, among which letters of recommendation and personal statement are particularly important. Based on these documents, the Graduate Admissions Committee will judge whether the applicant has other advantages besides good university grades, and whether it has the potential to continue to engage in research in this field. These application documents need to be expressed and written in fluent professional English, so a good English foundation is also one of the keys to successful application.

4. Project, internship and work experience

Canadian universities also value programs, internships and/or work experience for professional master candidates. If the applicant has relevant experience, it will have an advantage when applying. Often some applicants do not have ideal university scores, but they will eventually be admitted if they have relatively rich work experience or outstanding research achievements in the master's field. It can be seen that Canadian universities need not only students with excellent academic ability, but also students with strong practical ability. Therefore, some applicants, such as undergraduates with poor average scores but several years of relevant work experience, can also try to apply.

2、 How to apply if the result is unsatisfactory?

You can choose to use Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad apply. This mode of studying abroad is that domestic universities, in order to cultivate international talents, cooperate with foreign universities and jointly set up courses. Students study in domestic universities for one stage, then transfer to foreign universities to complete the remaining studies, and obtain bachelor's and master's degrees from foreign universities after graduation.

At present, there are many modes of studying abroad in Sino foreign cooperative schools, such as 2+2, 3+2, 3+1 Preparatory Study Etc.

Click to view Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools for overseas students>> Recommended by institutions studying abroad

The above contents are the eight frequently asked questions of Korean students applying for Hanyang University, and I hope they can help you! Interested students can make an appointment on the form below!

Recommended reading:

   Canada Enrollment Guide

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