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Policy interpretation

A detailed introduction to the new policy of studying abroad visa in Canada

Source: Yulu Overseas Study Network Time: 2023-03-19 08:30:59

Canada has introduced a series of policies for visa applications for studying abroad to ensure that everyone can pass the assessment more efficiently. Let's take a look Studying in Canada Detailed introduction to the new visa policy.

 A detailed introduction to the new policy of studying abroad visa in Canada

1、 Medical insurance

Even if they are not local residents, as long as they have purchased medical insurance for basic projects, they can enjoy the treatment of their own citizens. Of course, the premise is that they need to pay the fees on time, and they need to go through the formal process of reimbursement, and the medical insurance of each province is independent,

After the reimbursement comes into effect when you buy it at the time of enrollment, you can use it. Generally, it will cover at least 50% of the reimbursement. If the items are more complete, you can enjoy more than 80% of the reimbursement when you go to the hospital to buy medicine under some crazy circumstances, which is a good policy for everyone.

2、 International Student Card

As an international student, you can also apply for a student card issued by the United Nations with international student identity. This is an official student certificate, which can enjoy more discount benefits than the certificate issued by your own country. It is also international and can be used in other countries.

With ISIC, you can enjoy a certain discount when you go out, whether by car or accommodation, consumption or exhibition. These benefits only need you to show proof. In some places, the discount is still large, which can help you save money directly.

3、 Tax refund

As a disadvantaged group with no income source, students who live and study in Canada still need to pay taxes when they spend money, but basically all taxes can be applied for tax refund, including tuition fees, shopping consumption, and part-time income.

There will be a unified time to arrange tax refund every year. You can go to the relevant departments to submit your application with the proof of payment and tax and your identity certificate. The tax refund process will soon be completed.

4、 Parents accompany students

It is mainly for minor students to accompany them, because it is required that students must have adults for guardianship. It is troublesome and expensive to find local guardianship in Canada. It is better to go directly to the immediate family than to take better care of students.

The guardianship visa application and the student's study abroad visa can be applied together. Everyone has enough time to prepare, and there is basically no difficulty. If you spend more than one year accompanying students, you can also apply for a work permit.

The above is a detailed introduction to the new Canadian study visa policy. I hope it can help you! about Study abroad If you have any questions, please leave us a message in the form below, and professional overseas teachers will answer them for you!

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