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Hainan: benchmarking higher level open development requirements

2020-10-13 15:17 Source: Economic Daily - China Economic Network   

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Hainan: Benchmarking the requirements of higher level open development

2020-10-13 15:17 Source: Economic Daily - China Economic Network

This year, special economic zones were established forty Anniversary. this forty Since the rapid development of the country forty In, the special economic zone ushered in unprecedented development opportunities forty Years.

the near future, Special Economic Zones forty year @ Modernization of governance Experts and journalists from the network theme publicity campaign conducted research and interviews on several special economic zones in China.

Content summary:

A higher level of opening-up needs to further adapt to international development trends and domestic development needs. With the acceleration of the construction process of the free trade port, Hainan has carried out important experiments and explorations in system innovation, service industry opening, industrial innovation and other aspects.

Innovation demonstration to the greatest extent limit

Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone accelerated the import approval of medical equipment, set up a bonded warehouse, and achieved the import approval of medical equipment First try first Drugs that used to take three months or longer to be approved can now be purchased online through some simple approval processes Human medicine Is becoming Medicine and others

Fuxing City focuses on digital economy and builds an international offshore innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration base. In addition to attracting domestic and provincial enterprises to settle in, we should pay more attention to the simplification of the approval process, promote the settlement of overseas enterprises and the introduction of international talents, and polish Nesting to attract phoenix gold-lettered signboard.

Governance reform Pipe release suit not a single one can be omitted

Experts believe that Hainan's efforts to simplify costs need to be further strengthened. The status of the special economic zone has given the city a very large space for the rule of law. Some things might as well be handed over to the market, and there should be a more market-oriented government. In terms of economic development, the more approval links, the more compliance costs. Some things actually need discharge

Experts believe that, Pipe release suit Reform not only discharge and clothes , and Tube You can't simply subtract because there are many new business types, and the supervision of these new business types may lead to new management matters and links. From the perspective of improving the efficiency of government governance, it is necessary to increase some management links for new business types that should be properly added Pipe release suit The most true meaning.

Taking Haikou Municipal Government Service Center as an example “12345 Haikou Government Service Hotline , and creatively apply “12345+ Gridding The service mode is to create a smart linkage platform with zero distance social services, full coverage of community management and full response to residents' demands.

Livable and industrious urban and rural development

Haikou Bay Dredging Project Give back the best resources to the people To achieve the construction goal, we will create a high-quality waterfront public open space to restore the sea, shore and scenery to the people. With the ornament of Haikou Bay, Haikou is becoming a livable city with beautiful scenery and vitality.

The research and interview team came to Haikou Shicha Village Here, we mainly look at three aspects: industrial revitalization, ecological revitalization and organizational revitalization. Shicha Village belongs to the core area of the Volcano Geopark. There are stones within 100 meters from here. Traditional agriculture cannot do that. two thousand and fifteen At the beginning of the launch of the first Internet agricultural town in Hainan Province in, Shicha Village introduced Dendrobium to plant, two thousand and seventeen The annual per capita income has risen to fourteen thousand and five hundred Yuan, two thousand and nineteen It rose to twenty-four thousand multivariate.

In the new era and new development, the special economic zone is facing new tasks, which means that Hainan Special Economic Zone has also stood at a new and higher starting point. It should take the initiative to take on the new mission of building a free trade port, and play an exemplary role in integrating into the world, improving the business environment, developing service trade, and accelerating the construction of an open economy in the future New Highland

(Editor in charge: Yuan Shuang)