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Industry trends

  • Construction technology of sealing curing agent for color concrete

    1. Roughly grind 30~300 mesh resin grinding plates with water for 5 times respectively. Clean the floor, vacuum it, and the floor is completely dry. 2. Dry grind with 500 mesh 800 mesh resin grinding disc for at least 5 times in each group to make the floor smooth and smooth, and clean the floor. 3. As for component A of color curing agent, the materials shall be applied to the ground by roller in the previous construction. The construction effect shall be based on the fact that the color completely covers the original ground and the color is uniform. When the color is completely dried after the previous construction, the second construction shall be repeated. 4. Component A shall be constructed at least 24 hours after the construction of component B. If there is colored powder on the ground before the construction

    2017/06/12 16:43:19
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Changchun Xianfeng Ground Decoration Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

twelve year

  • Enterprise type:

    Decoration enterprises

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    0 items

  • Main business:

    Concrete sealing and curing floor, dyeing and curing agent floor, epoxy resin anti floor, underground garage floor, epoxy anti-static floor, water-based epoxy resin floor, dust-free purification floor

  • Address:

    Block B, Marriott International Office, Oriental Plaza, Erdao District, Changchun, Jilin

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